Galley Door on Teardrop


Hello my name is Derek and I am new to the forum. I have been researching tear drop builds and am thinking of building one. The question I have is that in all the builds I've seen I have yet to see how the galley hatch is sealed to the side walls. I understand the construction of the door and that most use a hurricane hinge and gas struts to hold it up .What or how is the water kept out of the galley? Can anyone here show me some pics of this detail or explain what is done. Thanks for your help.


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I went different route on mine. all Alumininu tongue and hook type set up. Will look it up in the morning for you. The rubber moding is pretty much the same. Dave, Adventure Duo and myself learned a little about them last week end. Both of ours sealed well while door was down, but when opened, water on the door ran directily into the trailer. I spoke with a bunch of people at the Perris Tead Drop event this weekend and most have the same problem, or do not camp in rain. I think running a drip rail upside down will divert the water off to the side. But it will always run down the inside rail so to speak. Not a real proble as you can dry it off easily and have a silicone junciton of side wood to frame , whether it be steel or wood.

The key is to have the door perfect in bend with the back the of the trailer. It will make sense when you start on it.


Thanks m101a3 for the links on the moldings and seals. But when I construct the galley door the outer skin which will be 1/4" will be 3/4 " over hung on the sides to overlap the walls when closed and then skinned in aluminum. To me won't this overlap with the seal under it will eventually fatigue with the weight of the door working on it? The hatch design I plan to use is similar to the XTR model.


Skersfan I have followed your build.Sir that is a fine example of a trailer. You made your hatch fit between the side walls? This might be better than trying to make it cap the walls for the sake of sealing it.I have been following Jims build also as his trailer shape is close to mine . He has yet to get to this point in his build to see his take on sealing it. Could you post some pics of how your seal is seated or attached. Thanks and again awesome build.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Dave, Adventure Duo and myself learned a little about them last week end. Both of ours sealed well while door was down, but when opened, water on the door ran directily into the trailer. I spoke with a bunch of people at the Perris Tead Drop event this weekend and most have the same problem, or do not camp in rain.

Actually Bob, interestingly enough after you opened yours we had some folks that wanted to see our kitchen. I was a little hesitant at first, i'll be honest with you, after i saw yours. Truth be told, we haven't really opened it while raining all that much and i wasn't sure what would happen. But i went for it anyways and not a drop leaked into the kitchen. I even had people watching from the OAUSA board and they'll remember i wiped my hand over the counter.

Our galley door hinge has a square bump out on it (i have no clue what the terminology is for it) that hangs over the edge of the tear just ever so slightly. When you lift the door the water slopes down and hits this bump, then proceeds to run off the side of the trailer similar to drain siding on a home.

Here's a photo of the hinge..


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Mine was coming over the top of the trim. And honestly would come from the top if I look at it. I will correct with two drip rails like on the side of the trailer. Just too much water setting on the long door. Mine also opens over the very end of the kitchen. But pretty certain I have correction for it. I had had it out in the rain and snow before, but never opened the door while it was raining. I will try to get some pictures of my new idea for it.

I think it will be another week before I am out in the shop working so it may take that long.


Mudbutt thanks for the info. I see where the wall has a shoulder for the hatch to ride on . That was an idea I had to but wasn't sure how to trim it out. Skersfan when you get to it, I would appreciate some pics and your thoughts. I guess as you stated get the rest of the trailer built and figure it out when I get there. It rains so much here,hence the decision for hard side vs. RTT but it will be a driveway build so I have to wait for the snow to leave. Thanks again.

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