H1N1 Vaccine


No I wouldn't.

1) They haven't fully tested it, not sure if it even works. Don't know the side effects of the vaccine if there are any.

2) I generally don't trust the Government to put things unknown to me into my bloodstrean. To many X-Files episodes I suppose...

3) I think I may have just gotten over some sort of Flu the last week, thus my immune system should be in good shape now.

That about sums it up.

I'll pass on it.

I will not get the shot. I will not tie a knot. I will not not sleep on a cot. I will not get a shot.

Just got done reading Dr Suess to my son.


I'm not getting the vax. It's just the flu. Media is serving FEAR. People die of the flu every year, so H1N1 wont be any different. So much for evolution, humanns are getting weaker and weaker.


Expedition Leader
Heck NO I wouldn't get the vaccine. I don't trust the government to have my health in their best interest. Just look at the FDA for many examples of that. Also the vaccine is proving to be worse for you then the swine flu. Not to mention how quickly it was rushed out, no way it has been tested enough.

There are other ways to beat the flu and or not get it besides taking some governement cooked up shots.

my .02


Heck NO I wouldn't get the vaccine. I don't trust the government to have my health in their best interest. Just look at the FDA for many examples of that. Also the vaccine is proving to be worse for you then the swine flu. Not to mention how quickly it was rushed out, no way it has been tested enough.

There are other ways to beat the flu and or not get it besides taking some governement cooked up shots.

my .02

There are a lot of uninformed people out there and you seem to be one of them. As has been stated, this isn't the government's vaccine. And tell me how it's worse than getting the H1N1 virus itself? It will keep you from getting this particular strain of influenza A.

This Influenza is not really different from any influenza A. Most healthy people will have a 7-10 days of illness and a week or two of recovery. No big deal right? Except a few will die, as with any influenza A. With the vaccine you get to skip the 3 weeks of illness/recovery. And you won't end up in the dead pool either. That's a pretty good deal.

I fully agree that the media has hyped this like the OJ Simpson trial. It makes people watch the news. It is just the flu, but it's real flu, and most people don't have even partial immunity to this strain.

Remember that in industrial settings, influenza vaccines cut winter absences from work by 40%. That says something right there.

If you have access to this vaccine, take advantage of it. There is no downside.

And yes, I have personally had the vaccine.


oh gag me

I am a respiratory therapist in Longmont and feel if you dont want to get the shot or nasal spray quit talking about it and get out of the way so someone who wants it or feels they need it. Im so sick of hearing people complain about it if you dont want the vaccine and want to gamble on not geting the flu go for it. We have had a few deaths related to the flu in people with other health issues. I am young I am healthy and I feel good about my health but when patients come into the hospital and cough in my face I feel the need to protect myself anyway possible a little huf of the flu doesnt seem nearly as bad as ending up on a ventilator.
If you are overweight and out of shape maybe you should cut to the front of the line because you are at more risk than the rest of us.
Good luck stay healthy:victory:


There was actually a good 60 Minutes segment about the vaccine tonight. When they asked an expert what the effect will be if people are afraid of the vaccine and don't get it, he responded very frankly: "More dead people". That pretty much sums it up.
Another nice tidbit (just for you, lwg): 10 million doses have been administered, and they have had zero reports of major side effect. Side effect reports have only included standard vax issues (sore arm, etc...).

The vaccine does not come from "The Goverment". It was developed by research institutions, and is manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. In fact, one of the six institutions that created the vaccine is my hometown St Louis University- a private, Jesuit school with an outstanding medical program. Much of the vaccine testing was done here in St Louis. Lay off the X-Files before bedtime. ;)

I saw this 60 minutes also. They asked if there were side effects and the doctor said "we looked hard but couldn't find one case" It was all sore arm, tiredness, etc.
But I remembered another story I saw on tv just last week-

That freaked me out!

matt s

A little reading on that reveals that it happened before the h1n1 was even out, and that she had some pre-existing neurological condition.


Expedition Leader
The H1N1 vax is made using EXACTLY the same method as the seasonal flu vaccine, and has received EXACTLY as much testing (and is just as safe).
Considering that every flu shot ever administered could be considered a test, I don't see how you can say one just developed could be tested as much.

I've never gotten a flu shot and have no plans to get this one.


Expedition Leader
I'm still on the fence. I have a pretty strong immune system, I've never gotten a vaccine before and rarely get sick. The only thing that has me thinking about getting this one is the fact (what the media is saying anyway) that this hits young healthy people harder, because their body over-reacts to it, and you end up with pulmonary edima and die from that.

But I also am fearful that this was rushed out and not tested enough. I've got my tinfoil hat on, and see that... Big Pharma has gotten a lot of money out of this. The Canadian government bought enough shots to vaccinate EVERYONE in Canada. Normally only a small fraction get it. So they're getting big money.

At least, up until now, the H1N1 strain has shown to be LESS deadly than the regular seasonal flu, on a deaths per infection basis. Again, I only have second thoughts because it affects young healthy people more. Last week a 13 year old boy was killed very quickly. Came down with symptoms on Sunday, father took him to the doctor, they said "he'll be fine, just the flu, go home". He did, and he died Monday night.


Expedition Leader
Thank you for your replies everyone. A little bit of history on me: I am a pretty healthy guy - except for genetically high cholesterol for which I take medication - I eat healthy, work out 4 -5 times per week, etc. I have gotten the flu vaccine in the past and I have gotten sick every time - not the yearly fall/winter seasonal crap, I'm talking about being really really sick.

I recently had a two week bought of flu-like symptoms, but kept myself dehydrated and was/am now fine.

I am in daily contact with patients who have the H1N1 and have been for months now. I am not concerned for myself but for my children. I don't want to bring anything home to them.

FYI - I had that Asian bird flu in the late 90's that went around... it sucked but I survived just fine.

I guess I'm still on the fence. I would like to see more studies about this.


Expedition Leader
I last heard that health care folks, teens and younger and the very old would get the vaccine. There was not enough time to make one for every citizen this year so they prioritized. Has that changed? I get the nomal flu shot every year and I will get the h1n1 vaccine if I can find it. Imagine 40% of the entire workforce in the USA out this fall sick for weeks at a time? If you have the chance, get the vaccine I say.


I won't get the vaccine, I've never had a flu shot. I'm sure I've had the flu before, but I try not to go to doctors so I've never been "officially" diagnosed.

I also believe in black helicopters and have a tin foil hat. :REOutShootinghunter


I can't tell you whether or not to get the flu (seasonal or H1N1) shot, for that you need to talk to your primary health care provider. At the very least, if you must get your info from the web, go to a site peer reviewed by medical doctors such as webMD.

One thing I can tell you, as a doctor (but not a medical one :) ), getting health info from tin foilers on a 4WD discussion forum is bad for your health.

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