So there's good news and a fair bit of less good news...
Good stuff first. Dropping the tyre pressures made a big difference to the handling. It's still a little floaty at the back but not a worry any more and the ride is much improved as well. Not a surprise having found out I'd over inflated by about 80%!
Also the re-mapping guy got the map done and said it was now pulling hard even in 5th! Hooray!!!!
Not so good stuff:
- The mapper guy could not get the map permanently uploaded to the ECU. I'm going to have to take the ECU out and either bring it to a guy in Belfast or post it to another specialist in the UK
- Mapper guy also said that the left front brake calliper was not working properly and he's correct - it's pulling to the right. Hopefully just a cleaning job. I profoundly hate cleaning brake callipers
- I also regularly checked the tyre temp on the way home this evening. Just in case.... and found that the rear passenger hub was getting too hot. So I probably have a binding brake.
Argh! Another one to try to clean.
Also I'm pretty confident I will still need to replace the shocks. I've tried Koni and they do not appear to have options. Any suggestions?