Has anyone used this grill?


I am looking to buy a compact portable BBQ grill and found this Folding Charcoal Grill by Bayou Classic. The only drawback I see is that it doesn't have a lid, but I am sure one can be made to fit.

Has anyone here used one of these? What was your experience? Would you buy it again?

Folding Charcoal Grill Specs:

* Grill Space: 19” x 14” (266 square inches)
* Height (Unfolded): 13 inches
* Height (Folded): 2.5 inches
* Weight: 13 pounds
* Cooking Capacity (up to 15 burgers)
* Setup Time: Seconds
* Packed Height: 2.5 inches



No, I havent used one...

Yes, I like the idea.

No, it NEEDS a lid

Depending on the cost.. it may or may not be worth it..

I imagine, if you were using just wood to cook, and not charcoal, it would probably cook fine...

I know BBQ, I cook outside, A LOT, I use wood, and charcoal, depending on where I am......

I prefer wood....



Pretty slick. Might even work as a firepan for rivers and areas where that's required. Lack of lid is a big negative for grilling IMO.


The lid is my major concern, I was also planning on using it for a small portable fireplace. I have found this for sale from anywhere between $25.00 and $35.00 on the internet, so it is not to expensive, I might go ahead and pick one up.

I was looking to purchase one of these BBQ s when I found the BBQ posted above, I bet they are made from the same company.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Dave, as you might know... Im an avid BBQ operator :D

And the problem with these grills is that they have no lid. Its fine for burning some burgers or dogs.. but if you want any heat and low slow you need a lid.

That being said, we have the notebook and use it... but just make sure we don't try anything too eleborate on it. If im preparing a tri tip or anything that's thick
i bring the grill that has a lid on it.

By the way, SEARS has the notebook and it was like $22.00 or something. So yeah, like you said, .. doesnt hurt to grab it. And yeah the fire pit idea is cool as long
as you keep it small. We used it for a campfire in Anza and you can quickly melt the metal. You have to keep it small and only a select few can gather around it.


Expedition Leader
i have that grill from bayou,,, i bought it when home depot was clearing them out for $7, figured for that price it would be good even if only for a fire pit or dutch oven stand. however it works great. grilling w/o a lid is nothing new and its still the standard for many a seasoned cook, including myself.

i just used it this w/e to grill a new york strip to perfection instead of putting the much more expensive BBQ box w/lid on my camp chef stove. i used it with charcoal and a few mesquite chunks with nothing but big salt crystals on the meat, brazillian style, awesome.

for a campfire its better than the notebook because you can fold the sides out of the way and let'er rip.

the thing is a little ehh, cheap? its not the best but the price reflects it, i think its a good compact grill for $20 or so, and if you really need a lid, go shopping for a baking pan or two.


Cooking steak hot 'n' fast definitely doesn't require a lid, but lots of other stuff does. Good point that it would be easy to toss a baking pan over the top and call it good. Might have to score one of those if I can find it cheap.


i think it is a good deal for what it is. i have a snow peak bbq box and love it, yes i paid too much, but i definately got what i paid for.

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