how do you like your camper appliances


used the search bar, but didn't find much for appliances in pop ups.
what set up are you running for your converter/charge controller and how do you like it.
also if there is any other appliances or things you like about your camper let us know!
thanks guys!


I love my water heater. I don't know offhand what kind it is (Atwood something I think), but I just lean out of bed and flip the switch before I get up and I have hot water when I'm ready for it. Even after it caught fire I still love it. :) The fridge is okay but not great. The furnace is okay. The cooktop is okay. But the water heater....I didn't even think I needed it but it's great.


Expedition Leader
Well I have a converter but its only been plugged in once so its kind of hard to say if I like it. I'm happy with the stock appliances.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
My wife likes the little 3 burner stove in the camper better than our big one at home.


Oil eater.
My Atwood water heater is seldom used but works great,stove,Dometic fridge w/manual top mounted controls has been bulletproof and heater works super.
I had some pinholes in the corners which Tear Aid fixed. Great product.
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New member
I too like the water heater. I'm also glad I went for the compressor fridge. My wife hates the smell of our furnace so I don't use it much.


anyone have experience with charge controllers?

FWIW, I did a bunch of research and ended up getting a Samlex SEC-1230UL charger to replace the stock charger/converter in my RV. The build quality is fantastic (I'd call it commercial-grade vice consumer-grade), and it met all my req'ts, including multi-stage charging and being able to charge multiple battery banks (e.g. starter + house). I have the dip switches set to two-stage charging, since my battery banks are dissimilar and because I'm charging with a load on the batteries. I've only had it for three months but have been very happy so far.

This is a good place to start your research and factored into my decision to get the Samlex.


I checked that out. looks pretty sweet and for the price its not bad!
FWIW, I did a bunch of research and ended up getting a Samlex SEC-1230UL charger to replace the stock charger/converter in my RV. The build quality is fantastic (I'd call it commercial-grade vice consumer-grade), and it met all my req'ts, including multi-stage charging and being able to charge multiple battery banks (e.g. starter + house). I have the dip switches set to two-stage charging, since my battery banks are dissimilar and because I'm charging with a load on the batteries. I've only had it for three months but have been very happy so far.

This is a good place to start your research and factored into my decision to get the Samlex.


Bigassgas Explorer
The best appliance in my camper is the National Luna refrigerator. It seems the typical 3 way RV refrigerators never work well on any of the 3. The full 12 volt National Luna refrigerator works flawlessly plus I can pull it out and use it in a different vehicle when needed. I also really like the SMEV stove/sink in mine. The camper was originally built with the old school Suburban brand stove top which has been the staple stove top in RV’s for a few decade but I got tired of listening to it rattle while driving. The SMEV stove/sink just looks so clean! I doubt I will miss the old 3 burner stove top as they were so close it was hard to use all 3 burners anyway. Phoenix Campers also just installed 100W solar power at the same time as the new stove/sink. The next big trip to Canyonlands next month will be the real world test for the stove/sink and solar power.

The water heater is the only thing on the camper that I’ve had issues with. It’s a finicky SOB. Sometimes it just doesn’t like to light nor stay lite. It actually could be user error for all I know. I often wish I would have skipped the water heater and put that money towards an awning but a warm shower on a cold night is sure nice….when it works.

Mine has a converter which I’ve only used a few times at home. I’m not the campground type of camper so a converter plugged into 110 at a campground is not a big deal to me.

Old stove top

New stove top


Rot Box

The best appliance in my camper is the National Luna refrigerator. It seems the typical 3 way RV refrigerators never work well on any of the 3.

I have to agree although I have the ARB fridge/freezer it's my favorite appliance and a lot less headache compared to the 3way it replaced. It took some work to make it fit but it was well worth the effort.


My little Norcold fridge is a little loud-ish when it's running. It's probably 'installer error' though, as it's vibration noise I'm getting. I need to go back through and insulate against the vibes, and it will likely calm down. As far as function, I couldn't ask for better. It sips power, and gets the beers so cold it hurts my teeth set of 3.5 out of 5. It will freeze bottles of water you put in the freezer section, no problem.

All the rest of my on-board appliances are 'stock'. The 3 burner stove works well enough, but does rattle in transit as others have mentioned. I'm not back there when we're rolling so no skin lost. The Furnace works fine, but can be a pain to get the pilot lit (it helps to do it in the absolute dark, so you can see the tiny pilot flame in the peep hole) Those SMEV combo units sure do look nice and space efficient. Hmmm - galley envy..

As for a charge controller, I never had one. Since I have installed my solar panel, I have not needed to charge with any AC power at all. I am hooked to the truck's alternator, so when we're rolling, it's charging the camper battery. When we're parked (in reasonable sunlight) the solar system handles the rest. The panel is big enough at 70 watts to cover the fridge, and add a little to the battery also.

Before I did that, though, I had a cheap 4 amp AC charger I would plug in to an extension cord. It had no problem holding up the fridge and charging the battery simultaneously. Like most things I do, it seemed like the simplest solution at the time. Far cheaper than a dedicated controller thing. I never understood what the use of those would be in a popup truck camper. I'd love to be educated though!


Wow this thread has really gown. I can say all the input is awesome. It gives me some things to think about while building my project and hopefully others too.

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