Jeep KJ trip to Moab... July 13-22, 2007


Good looking set up Scott. Looks well thought out and organized. With the cooler and the water both sitting on the drivers side, is the KJ sagging pretty good on that side?


2006KJSPORT4x4 said:
...spout for Blitz jerry can...

I had one of those spouts fall apart after one use. It split at the bottom where the spout connects to the screw on base. I would definitely look into picking up a Super Siphon rather then using the spout. If you can't find one locally and there is no time to order one in, you can pick one up at the Bass Pro just outside of St. Louis on your way to KC. BPS calls them Safety Siphons, they're in the boating department near the fuel cans.

Otherwise, looks like you're all set! Enjoy the trip!


Regarding sagging, I think I will end up adding things to the rear seat on the passenger side since my aunt is not coming that might help balance it out, but I ahven't noticed that much of a difference just yet, i'll get some measurements tonight ot be sure though. Good thinking John!!!

In regards to the roof, there will be the gas can and folding chairs (3-4 of them) up there. Not sure if anything else will end up there or not, but we'll see.

In regards to the spout, maybe I'll invest in the Super "safety" siphon today, I'll stop by BPS or Sportsman's (where I got the can and spout) and see if they got the siphon in stock....Thanks for the tip!!!


There will be a picture of it tonight but I got 2 of the 4 Hella lights I recently purchased from Luis (expedition portal member) mounted on the rear of the roof basket to be used as "party" lights while in camp. They work great so far and I can't thank 2 of my friends enough for helping me get these suckers wired up and working great.

The oil and air filters were changed yesterday as well; 5 quarts of AMSOIL 7500 XL Series oil with a Wix oil filter were used and the new AMSOIL Absolute air filter for Jeep Liberty's was installed.

Things are looking good and shaping up well....


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Are you still getting to Denver on Saturday? I just realized that this is weekend, I should probably call the brew pub for a reservation. I should be still good for 7PM, I am busy in the morning, but should be home by about 3 or 4 in the afternoon.
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Sounds like you are about ready to hit the road. Those are some serious party lights. Did you wire the lights up so that you could also activate them with the reverse lights for backing in the dark? The tint on the back window of the Liberty makes seeing while backing a bit difficult when there is no ambient light.


Yep this is the weekend Dave....I plan on getting into Denver around 6-630pm at the latest, so maybe a 7pm reservation time would be a good one. I would expect about 7-9 people perhaps. I know myself, my uncle, you dave, my friend erin who lives in denver will visit at some point in the evening, so that makes 4, and then a few LOST members or ExPo members that might like to show up.

I would get some pics but now a storm is rolling in here in my neck of the woods so there gunna have to wait i suppose.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Rez is made for 7PM for 8 people. 'Monk' is the last name on the reservation. Once again, Cheshire Cat brewery in Arvada.


Nice meeting you Dave there at the Brew/Pub. Thanks for showing your rig to me it is quite the nice setup. I finally got the lights working after redoing the ground for one of the lights.

Well it seems that the White Rim Trail may have to wait. I was meeting another Jeep Liberty here in Moab and they have been here since Friday and have had nothing but problems with the KJ in the region. THey are attesting it to the heat but with our rigs being setup similarly and of the same year I don't think I want to risk it. They've had overheating issues, tranny issues, A/C clutch burnt out and a slew of other little things happen to them in their short time here. We are going to proceed on with visiting the parks but we aren't going to be doing the Trail alone in this heat.

Tomorrows plan is to hit some local easy trails and see how my rig does and if their rig will be able to keep up. Sad really but we'll see what happens I assume.

1st pic shows my rig ready to leave Kansas City form my cousins house at about 0630

2nd pic shows this mornings breakfast stop at McDs with the mountains in the background and the american flag waving nearby.

3rd pic shows my rig and my friends rig from Toronto at the Moab Brewery this afternoon.


Man Scott, I sure hope you can get on the trail. That's a long way to drive to miss out. Don't give up because their vehicle can't make it. You might hang around the visitor center and see if you can hook up with another group going on the trail. Another option might be to rent something from Farabees or Slick Rock. For cost sake, you would probably want to try to comlete the trail in two days instead of three if you go with the rent-a-jeep option.
That is a bummer. If I wasn't stuck to a rolling chair I'd head over and join you guys. We're planning to be there next weekend if you're still around, we're gonna be in Needles tho during the day.


*oh man...I can't believe I almost missed that. A/C + triple digit heat + loaded rig = overheating, burnt A/C clutches etc...roll down the windows, turn the fan full on, wear shorts, wide brim hat & sun lotion, and turn the heat UP if you need to. You'll see a difference. Moving slow, with A/C on and no auxiliary fan, is pushing a recipe for disaster. Try it on a couple easy trails near civilization (Klondike Bluffs or something), see how it works out. Don't give up yet!
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
devinsixtyseven said:
TA/C + triple digit heat + loaded rig = overheating, burnt A/C clutches etc.
Most cars have marginal cooling in good conditions, so what Sean says is absolutely true. Leave the A/C off unless you are in at least 4-high and moving for sure!
Don't give up yet!
White Rim is worth it, you really shouldn't miss it.


Alright Scott you back yet,
How was the trip? Did you end up doing the White Rim? Where are the pictures? You have to share with the unfortunate ones who could not go.


Just got back in town from Kansas City not long ago. Been unloading the rig and starting the wash and got a shower in as well. Pictures will be forthcoming after I get some other things done first....

Unfortunately we did not get to do the White Rim Trail but we did do a lot of the local trails to Moab; Baby Lion's Back, Fins and Things, Klondike Bluffs, Geyser Pass, La Sal Pass, and we also did Long Canyon Rd as well. We also hiked Arches National Park for a day and lucked out with some unseasonably cool weather, in other words it didn't break 100 till after 1pm despite the high only forecasted to be 99.

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