Just another Gen 3 Monty


Went out today on the trail after we got the jeep ready to go. Had a great time, and this is the first trail run with the front locker in and WOW:Wow1:......I was having sooo much fun with it. I have to relearn my throttle control on obstacles now since the TC is not kicking in and limiting the engine RPM or wheel speed. You can just idle up and ease into it. Such a nice feeling to not have to worry about any tires not getting traction now.

It was greasier than Bat ******* out there. My Ltbs were loading up at times but still grabbed and dug good ruts when I had them aired down to 17psi. This was the most wet I have seen this trail.

We got through all the obstacles and got to the top and my buddy in the CJ had to play on one steep hill climb that he drove up and slid down 3 times....well the 4th time he broke the transmission mount bolts off and the motor torqued forward and sent the fan into the radiator, slicing it open. So the fun stopped and we towed him home.

Despite the one vehicle going down we still had a fun time doing it. Here are the few pics I got when I stopped myself and got out in the rain to take em.








Expedition Leader
you seem to have an effect on the jeep you run with...lol.

great pics. Very much like your hidden/sunken winch mount.


Very much like your hidden/sunken winch mount.

Thanks....I like that its recessed back.

I guess I missed that you added a locker to the front. Did you go with the ARB?

No. I got the Aussie Locker and put it in about a month ago. only 300 vs the 700+ for the ARB. I like the manners of it so far,, and I thought I would complain about it not being "selectable" but I really cant find anything bad about it. Love being locked F&R now. It is soooo much better to drive offroad.


Well.....broke yet another axle. This is the second one on the drivers side. After close inspection it was due to a bad casting of the tripod joint since the splined part where the rollers attach is cast it was just a mfacturers defect. It happened on basically flat terrain with very little load. So I just drove it home the 15 miles with it in there like that and then took it apart to inspect it at home in the shop. Got lifetime warranty on em from Oreily's so new one is already in and monty is back up and running.


Also while recovering some people this past sunday had a very enlightening experience. :Wow1: It was so slippery on the trail that I had to winch myself up in order to make forward progress. I just could not get traction whatsoever. Well the rigs behind me were Open/Open in their diffs and were way worse off than me. I ended up having to back down to each one fo them and hook my winch up to a tree in front of me and then a strap from myself back to them. So essentially my winch was pulling both of us up the hill.

It was late at night and I ALWAYS check the trees that I anchor too with my winch and saw one that was perfect in size...about 2 feet across in diameter and had leaves and was good quality. Basically it looked alive. Well it was near 80 feet tall. I had dang near all my winch rope spooled out so i was close to 95' out you could say. Well when I proceeded to winch all was going well and then I heard a loud rifle CRACK and looked forward and saw the tree that I THOUGHT was alive slowly falling towards me.

At that moment I dont think I have been that scared in a long,long time. I ducked and covered inside the paj and hoped for the best. Well it fell down with the loudest bang and when it was all over and done with I got out to survey the damage and clean my pants.

Had the tree been 1 foot taller it would have landed on my hood....had it been 6 feet taller it would have crushed my paj with me in it. So my whole point to this is to MAKE SURE TO CHECK AND RECHECK YOUR ANCHOR POINTS. This tree was very misleading and decieving and when I went to the base I looked and the inside 10" core was rotten but outside was alive and well. So I dont know what I could have done different but I am very thankfull that I escaped with no injury and only a few dents on the hood from a stray limb




Well.....broke yet another axle. This is the second one on the drivers side. After close inspection it was due to a bad casting of the tripod joint since the splined part where the rollers attach is cast it was just a mfacturers defect. It happened on basically flat terrain with very little load. So I just drove it home the 15 miles with it in there like that and then took it apart to inspect it at home in the shop. Got lifetime warranty on em from Oreily's so new one is already in and monty is back up and running.
That is very strange. I've never seen Mitsu using tripod joints on Pajero/Montero, all docs I've ever seen show ball type inboard DOJ and outboard BJ CVs. What the original was like? I take this is a replacement one. Scary part is most of replacement CVs come from China anymore so manufacturing defects wouldn't surprise me.


I am pretty sure that the inner joint on the Original Axle was not a tripod. I broke the shaft on it and still have it as a spare. I will take it apart and look when I get a chance because now you got me curious.
Ya..most replacements come from China, and yes the one in it now is a NEW and not ReMan axle. The last one that broke was a reman that broke the tripod. I will post up pics of the original when I Disect it later on.


Tripod joint although allows greater operational angel isn't quite as strong and ball type joint. Plus you are definitely pushing the limits here.
Under what circumstances did it break? Good traction + 4wd + locked front (it always locked for you) could create cyclical parasitic loads far greater than engine by itself could.


Agreed. Thats what led me to believe it was manufacturers defect, because it broke under very very light acceleration on a slight and very slippery incline. So no shock load....no massive grip, nothing. And when the last ones broke I definately knew it, and knew EXACTLY why they broke. They both got a massive shock load and snapped from that on the rocks. So trail and error I guess. I am not about to pay for OEM at Stealership prices.


Thanks Tony,

I have ordered from them quite a few times online and ya they are much more affordable and I have nothing but good to say about them. Is he the same price to contact over the phone? The main reason I ask is that some of those are cheaper Online only, and I would rather talk in person to them.



I don't seem much problem getting one from junk yard. If boot is intact I'd bet it would be almost as good as new. There should be number of them floating around by now.
From another stand point since obviously it's area of concern then it might worth paying $$$ to stealer rather than pay $$$$ for towing out of some remote place. If I remember right towing out of Rubicon is $1500 and up. Not to mention risking your own life if one get stranded in remote place alone.

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