Lion's Back Closed?


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
From PBB here:
StillCrawlin on PBB said:
My company sent me to Ogden, UT for a Project startup. And on my off day. I rented a jeep from Cliffhanger jeep rental. 2006 Rubicon. Anyhow. My wife and I made it to Lions Back. and the family who USED to own it were cleaning out the buildings at the base of lions back. They said some guy bought it and was gonna build condo's at the Base next to it. Come Monday morning they were PERMENTLY blocking off the entrance to Lions Back.

I know Lions Back is not an extreme trail? But, it is kinda a ICON of Moab.

I climbed it twice during the day and once on my way back at night.
Just thought it was kinda sad to see it end. Glad I got to do it before it was gone.

Any truth? This was on my list of things to do this year:exclaim:


Active member
flyingwil said:
From PBB here:

This was on my list of things to do this year:exclaim:


If this is true????? Lets plan a trip in a few months or so and rally up the troops for a final run up the Lions back before they close it???

Any takers?

Or...sounds like they have already closed it...Man....I wanted to do that run!!!!


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
I do not know what to believe... It is the Internet. All I know is I want to run Lion's Back sometime! I believe it is a staple trail for Moab and restrictions or closure of Lion's Back might impact the economy of Moab.

I would love to go there sometime after EJS...


Expedition Leader
goodtimes said:
The view from the top is pretty sweet.

From 2002 (brown pickup is [was] mine):

I remember that trip and that photo. That was my first ever trip over at No way was I going to dive up Lion's Back though! How is Seapahn, you still talk to him on the Jeep boards?


Active member
I sent an email to the Redrock 4wheelers wondering whats going on....I'll keep you all posted on what they have to say about this.

From my understanding...looks like the Lions back is on private know how that goes.....

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Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
From my PBB Post:

The land was actually SITLA (School Trust Land)... if I'm not mistaken the current leasee's (not owners) are moving off as the land was in fact sold (likely could have sold at public auction). The land sale has been chatted about over the years on off road forums, while I'm surprised to see it happening, I'm not shocked. Same situation as the Proving Grounds, Lower Helldorado, etc... If it were not for the Area BFE crew, the Upper Helldorado area would have been a goner too.

On the bright side, there are not too many chunks of SITLA land in the Moab area that have such 4x4 qualities, and those that do "should" be much more protected then the ones in the past. SITLA really messed up when they sold the Lower Helldorado property, by not publicizing the existing trail through the property... if the trails history could have been better disputed, existing laws would have protected it (with the help of a wad of $$$, ie Strike Ravine courtesty of RR4W). As for the future of the Hells Revenge exit... good question??? Hopefully some of the Moab locals can give us an update...

And from the current Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association President :cool:

scoutabout said:
Unfortunately, private parks will never be able to offer the freedom, exploration, and diversity of opportunity that public lands offer. It doesn't have to be this way. If the 4x4 community would become more involved in the cause, we could stop a lot of closures.

When there's an opportunity for public comment on a travel plan, gang-green supporters will send in letters and comments in the 10's of thousands. The 4x4 community usually only offers a hundred at best, and usually much less.

Get involved before it really is too late.

Not everyone can donate the countless volunteer hours it takes just to stay on top of the issues. Not everyone can spend 10+ weekends a year doing service projects. But everyone can become a member of these organizations that are fighting to represent for your rights as a 4x4 user.

Most people usually spend more for gas during a weekend wheeling trip than they're willing to donate to land use causes in a year. That's why we're losing so many roads and trails.

Donate. Get your friends to donate.
State of Utah has been selling off the more beautiful parts of the nearby Moab area for a while now, through SITLA.

Personally I think it is CRAP. It is even worse when it's going to be developed in to condos. I certainly hope the Moab locals have seen what Summit County looks like now, in Colorado...a never-ending sea of condos, resort properties, etc. etc. etc...

I heard something similar happened in Castle Valley, and that the locals threw out the developers as soon as they heard what was really happening.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
That sucks if it's true. You'd think they would make it a state park or a point of interest instead of just selling it off. :(


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
devinsixtyseven said:
State of Utah has been selling off the more beautiful parts of the nearby Moab area for a while now, through SITLA.

Personally I think it is CRAP. It is even worse when it's going to be developed in to condos. I certainly hope the Moab locals have seen what Summit County looks like now, in Colorado...a never-ending sea of condos, resort properties, etc. etc. etc...

I heard something similar happened in Castle Valley, and that the locals threw out the developers as soon as they heard what was really happening.


School Trust Lands were alloted many, many moons ago.... long before Moab was the hot spot it is today. In fact if you look at a map they were given a parcel in nearly ever township in the state (~1/9th the total acreage), all as a source of monies to build new schools.

Nothing is being sold "through" SITLA... it is their land as granted by the federal government. Its a raw deal in some cases, but nothing our of the ordinary or unethical.


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
That sucks if it's true. You'd think they would make it a state park or a point of interest instead of just selling it off. :(

Its not State Park/Park & Rec property... they "could" buy it I suppose, but SITLA has to look out for the best interest of their beneficiaries... meaning public schools. The reality is the property is worth far more to developers than it is as a State Park. There is a giant BLM administered recreation area not more than 2 miles away.. I personally don't see much value in a state park at Lions Back... while its a neat obstacle and all... its not that neat.


Expedition Leader
If I located the Lions Back correctly on one of the BLM maps (just north of a switchback in the road running east from town), just an odd corner of one of these parcels was stateland. The rest was part of the private land that surrounds the town.


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