Mapper's gen 2.5


Got the ride all cleaned up for use. Here's some driveway shots (at least it is a much nicer driveway than mine :p) I took these while heading out to hike, again :)


And an urban trailhead shot. Salt Lake is great for quick easy access to some amazing hikes.

And after 2 hours of vigorous uphill hiking we get to one of the local summits. Perfectly shot the gap between rain/snow pulses and managed to avoid lightening/thunder...though did see/hear some strikes relatively close by :Wow1:

Looking back toward town at the pulse that I just missed on the way up. Heard some thunder in this one and saw some lightning as it moved across town

And this is looking behind me on the way down. The summit I took the picture on (with the little yellow flowers) is now totally engulfed in that shower. The last picture of the dog on the slope in the bright sunshine is from when we came down that green slope now getting rain. Timed it perfect!!

Hoping in the next couple weeks to get some supplies to built a simple platform ala Offroader's example. I'll have to truck back for my own use for 2 weeks at the end of the month. Hoping to get a quick trip in with the dogs over Memorial Day weekend....gotta come up with a destination though. Thinking Ruby Mountain and Great Basin area. Will be somewhat weather dependent.
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You guys deserve a shot of the real mountains here. A shot down the Wasatch Front from a quick dog hike after work on Friday...though I admit I didn't drive the Montero to get there.
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Couple of overdue updates from this weekend. GF out of town for a short bit so I brought the Montero back from her house to try a couple things out

Back Home
Made some measurements and headed to Home Depot. Had them cut 2 sheets of 9/16 ply for me.

The first is 53.5" x 37" (I think, going from memory here) Bolted that directly to the 3rd row seat mounting holes (needed to use a longer bolt, happened to have a couple laying around from some other project).
I then added 2 ~11" center supports below it. Just used some 3/4' x 1.5" hardwood stock I had lying around. You can see these a few pics below.

The second sheet was cut 51" x 25" (again from memory) I attached that using 3 simple hinges where the 2nd row would go. I also trimmed triangles from the front corners. Each is about 1.5" in from the sides and about 7" long. I added 2 more supports (these are longer, I forget exact length) at the sides of the front section. I should have placed these supports at the narrower part (where I trimmed the triangle) and not all the way to the edge as the legs hit the upper seat belt brackets when I fold it back. Not too big of a deal though, I just left them loosely attached as they will support the load vertically just fine, and because the whole thing is bolted to the 3rd seat mounting points, it isn't moving fore/aft. I did buy some turnbuckles to use for added security, but I don't think they are needed for my purposes...though that conclusion is subject to testing.

Folded over. I put the front section support legs to the outside to keep them out of the way if/when I use it in this configuration.
Another fold over shot

By the way, I have yet to test if my 2nd row seats will fit with the platform here but I'm guessing it is a little too far forward. I rarely use seats, so at this point I didn't care. I did leave a few inches of "open" space behind the platform for a water jug, place to sit with rear open, place to set a stove if desired and for easier access step up to platform for dogs. So, I could shift the whole setup aft if I desire.

laid out flat. This is how I expect it will be 99.9% of the time. I rarely use rear seats in any of my cars.

Threw a "dog blanket" over the top and added a dog bed for a quick test

Looks legit

Couple of notes. Total platform length is about 62". Kinda short. I did, however leave a few inches of spaces fore and aft of the whole platform so I could move it around, comfortably recline front seats and access stuff under the platform without having to move seats/open doors. In other setups I've used for sleeping I often have enough "stuff" that those gaps can be easily filled with clothes/soft stuff to extend the length (or you have a nice spot to dangle feet if you stomach sleep, like me). If I had made the platform tight, front to back. It could probably be about 72" at this height.

The platform is 53" wide in the back and 51" at the doors. It is right at armrest height for the rear doors so I lost a little width there. Either way that is a comfortable lift for me and the dogs or me and GF, but probably not great for me, GF and dogs...

Height, as stated, it is about 11" above the rear load deck. I don't have any cross members underneath, just resting directly on wheel wells, the 2 center supports in the rear and the two side supports up front. It seems very strong, If I need more support I'll likely add cross members at the hinge area but first I want to use it awhile and see how this VERY simple platform holds up.

There is about 27" above the platform. I can comfortably sit on the platform and reline against rear of the front seats for a "reading/lounging" position, this is important to me. My hair does just brush the ceiling. I can get a little more space above by sliding open the sunroof shade which may happen frequently, especially if it's rainy out. Light will be nice.

Consequently, though, I believe the forward portion of my platform is too low to rest on top of the folded 2nd row seats...were they installed. I think Grasscat/Offroader had to build an inch or two above the 3 wheel wells to achieve that sweet trickery. I leaned heavily on their basic layout but made my platform very, very simple.
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All in all that project took about 3 hours, including trip to Home Depot and was totally worthwhile. I can pull the whole platform out in about 15 minutes of lazy work, or 5 minutes of working fast.

Some obligatory hike shots, this time we did drive Montero to the trail head so totally appropriate.
It was hot here on Saturday:



Long time, no post. Been busy but had some fun travels in Montero.

Logged about 600 miles over Memorial Day Weekend.
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Keeping room at front end of platform makes for a decent storage place for a 7 gallon water unit. Important living in the desert and traveling with dogs.
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Kind of messy, but this gives the general idea of how I setup the rear. When sleeping I move the water jug and cooler, lean passenger seat forward, rotate the dog bed and lay a therm-a-rest along the passenger side. Two dogs and I fit perfect.
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Logged about 2k miles with the dogs over the last week on my annual Oregon trip to visit some old haunts, and discover some new.
This was actually the worst campsite I had, needed a nap that afternoon after a big hike, followed by a big, smoked, NY strip steak (local cattle) from the small town of Prairie City's 4th of July BBQ...highly recommended, probably best $10 I ever spent on a meal.
The view from where my first dog is "planted"
visited a few high Cascade lakes, needed hiking trails with water for the dogs as it has been a hot week in the west.
Officially "dog tired"
Took a swim myself in Elk Lake, then began my journey back to SLC
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This shows how a bike (26") can travel inside with the lower platform. I actually took my bike to Oregon in this manner, but behind the driver's seat where it wouldn't block views or get in the way of my sleeping setup on passenger side.
Sorry for the really lousy image.

In fact everything I'm posting in this thread is coming from my phone because I'm waaaaaayyyy behind (like years) on organization and storage of photos from my real cameras. It drives me crazy to not have my "good" photos posted...but I'm really lazy, and bored when it comes to sitting at a computer. I know folks like photos so phone camera will have to suffice. I think I need a vacation to deal with my photos!

Anyway, here's some nice "back in Salt Lake" photos (though still from phone) to make up

Girlfriend and I are getting ready to embark on a crazy fast loop up to Montana via Sawtooths then down to Sonoma via WA and OR. We're thinking about taking the dogs...and the hopefully more pics to come.

Truck needs and oil change but has been running like a top!

Managing about 18 MPG out of her...including some long runs with cruise set at 82mph and a couple hundred miles of gravel/dirt with a little, very little 4WD work.
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Glad you are getting some use from the Monty. Is it growing on you/fitting your needs? I guess your upcoming trips will tell (if you end up using it).

Thanks for sharing your photos,




Glad you are getting some use from the Monty. Is it growing on you/fitting your needs? I guess your upcoming trips will tell (if you end up using it).

Thanks for sharing your photos,


I really like the Monty, especially after adding the platform. With the way I have it setup (no seats and a platform resting on rear wheel wells) all the "gear" can pretty much fit under the platform. That leaves a nice space above for the dogs to ride, along with the cooler and miscellaneous other things. As stated earlier, by placing the platform on the rear wheel wells I have 27" of space above, which is a nice comfortable level. For my last trip I managed to find some plastic bins at Costco that are 10" tall without the lid, this allows them to slide perfectly under the platform to hold "loose" camp items. I still keep the stove and cook gear immediately accessible but have these new bins basically between the wheel wells, with the stove and cook gear removed I can slide those bins out. Also, because my platform doesn't go all the way to the rear door, I have been cooking right out of the montero hatch area by placing a long 2x4 on the rear bumper. This allows the stove to sit nice and level, partially in the truck. I just fold back the bedding and set my food, utensils, etc. on the platform. I'll try to post of picture of this.

Having the front section of the platform hinged allows easy access stuff, clothes, extra water, beer, etc stored in my duffle bags or bins between the two rear doors. I have been rather surprised how much "stuff" I can fit under this low platform.

However, for the GF and I to take the montero to camp with the dogs we'll be using a ground tent, which is less than preferable to me. I really like being able to sleep in the car, as pack-up can happen nice and quick. Therefore I'm in the process of building the interior on my Astro van to be more functional as a camper using a platform with some hinged sections to fold out of the way and create a "lounge/couch" area or bed for one. This type of setup in the van will be nicer for inclement weather. In the meantime Yes, the montero is growing on me.

The other downside to me is that it is a narrow, high c.o.g. vehicle. I just find it somewhat unsettling at highway speed because I'm used to cars. My van also sits high, but has a much wider track and feels much more stable.

We are considering taking the Montero on this upcoming trip because of the gas mileage, we'll probably log nearly 3,000 miles. While camping out of the van might be nicer, Monty will burn less gas. We'll be staying mostly at established sites (which isn't normal for us) so setting up a tent shouldn't be too bad. Only decision we are struggling with, at the moment, is whether the convenience of not using a roof box (as we would if driving her Subaru or my VW or Volvo) is worth the gas mileage hit we'll take driving the Montero

Anyway, that is the long answer. I really like the montero and have enjoyed the couple of opportunities I've had to use it on rough roads with an occasional 4Low hill climb/descent. I still have to decide how much I want to keep it around because I currently have too many vehicles.


2 quick things that bother me about montero.

1) Sunroof eats up headroom and probably won't be used much. Wish more SR/Winter Package models came without it.
2) Crazy heat transfer through the floor. Having the he beer and food cooler above the platform helps but my stuff underneath platform gets really warm, was shocked how warm my large water jugs got. This last trip temps were mostly mid-upper 90s while highway driving and my A/C, though it blows as nice and cold as any of my other cars, had to stay on fan level 3 (loud) to keep up. My other cars usually do fine on level 1 once moving along. At first I thought it was the result of lots of glass but have come to realize the floor just transfers a lot of heat. I like to drive barefoot in feet kept getting hot on the floor.

Unlike most people I actually like having the running boards installed, I have wondered if removing them would help move some more air along the bottom of the car?


Just finished a whirlwind, 10 day, 2700 mile trip from UT through ID, Western MT, WA, OR, Nor CA and NV. :rally_guys:
From the Sawtooths in ID, to a fire lookout stay in MT, crazy winds in WA and Columbia Gorge, approaching snowline at Mt Hood, feeding our auras on Mt Shasta, a classy wedding in Sonoma and visiting some swimming holes in The Sierra. With 2 of us and all 3 dogs on board, the Montero pulled it off without a hitch...and quite comfortably as well! Especially impressed with the seats after an absurd amount of seat time. Hit plenty 100 deg + temps down to low 40s and through a couple of heavy, heavy storms/winds.
She's definitely earning her wings.

Mostly highway miles at 75+ but still managed to use 4Lo a couple times. Averaged about 18 mpg through it all, with a roof box on top. Some highlight pics to come.


So is she a keeper then?
Keeping it at least a year, meaning through the coming winter, then deciding. I'd love to keep it longer, she's a great vehicle, but need to reduce the # of cars I have. Trying to use it for trips during this time. Working on camperizing my Astro a bit more in the meantime and we'll see how it all plays out. Thinking about trying to take next summer off work for travel (leave without pay). Likely slimming down to 2 cars if that happens, a traveler and my VW for commuting when work resumes.


As promised, photos:

We started off driving to Sun Valley/Ketchum and camped near the Galena Lodge. Woke up and had our breakfast at the lodge then carried on to Stanley, ID where we met some other friends. Took a quick trip up the Custer Motorway to find our 2nd nights camp and do some hiking
Camp along Custer Motorway. Not the prettiest site but got the job done. Did see some nice wildlife though.

Moose cow and calf just below our camp. We stayed out of their way, kept dogs away and they didn't bother us at all

Another shot, also an Osprey nest nearby on old utility pole

After breakfast we broke camp and headed up toward Missoula. Just south of Missoula we had a fire lookout reserved for the night. Looking over the Bitterroot valley from the lookout

Shot of the lookout as we departed the following morning

The photo showing as an attachment to this post was a mistake but I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Anyway, nice photo so I'll leave it as a bonus. Was taken during a hike in the Pioneer Mountains last July


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