There is that, and admittedly, I can't remember an occasion where I got bound up in a tight spot where a trailer would have been a real PITA while on a camping trip as well. But then, part of this for me is the ability to go explore areas that are more than a day trip away, and I have those voices in the back of my head that are screaming "But what if you end up like you did last weekend?!?!?" where I was running an unknown to me ridgeline from the Boulders area towards Lake Pleasant and ended up in one of those tight spots.
Though, as I'm thinking about this more, it may not be such a big deal after all. It's not like I'm going to end up with a 5K pound trailer that would be impossible to move around by hand in the dirt. I suppose, worse case scenario, I could always un hitch the thing, and maneuver it by hand. I think you may have just started swinging my thoughts towards a trailer again, lol.
I haven't logged on to ZOA in weeks now, if not months....felt like I was trying to claw my way into a group that didn't really want me around.