My Westfalia Syncro!


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Very cool, somehow I missed this thread. Christian, my folks live off Avenue du Parc and Mont Royal in Montreal, I didn't realize you are French Canadian... I bought my first diesel in St George over near the Maine border from a fellow who barely spoke English, Robery Lubier, one of the nicest guys in the world and his brother Dan in Alberta is one of the world's great experts on the famous old 80's 2L diesel that was in some toyota pickups... The truck (170% worth the trip to this day) was a beautiful fully resorted HJ60 Land Cruiser, literally the nicest 60 series I had ever seen at the time, that and it was a 5 speed (and that diesel). One of the coolest things I've ever done. I then about 3 weeks later drove it across the country as well here to Utah on my epic trip out west. And I never left of course! I loved that truck but got obsessed with the idea of a diesel conversion (which I hadn't done at the time) so sold it. It now lives in the Yucatan and shuttles people around on an eco-friendly preseve running on vegetable oil. Related to diesel conversions, there is a guy converting synchros using the new 1.9 TDI engine with a mechanical enjection pump (so they are one wire). I can find out more of details if you'd like! It is someone near you in the bay area making a kit... The mechanical diesels you can turn up to be quite powerful and still get good mileage...


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

sorry for the late reply - I know this area very well, I used to live on Duluth and St-Denis for several years. Miss it. A lot.

About the TDI - I am not sure about that. I met several folks last weekend who have done a conversion. They got mixed reviews. Too expensive, complicated or heating issue. But a lot of people are doing it right now.
It seems like it's the new big trend - was Subaru for a while, now people are going toward TDI.

As for me, I think I will stick with the 2.1 WBX. Even though people are complaining, they are still pretty reliable. My Syncro has been across country three times now with a 2.1. And they are so cheap, I just picked one for spare for $200. You just can't be in a hurry.


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Some recent pictures after the upgrades:




Next phase:

-Windows tinting
-Roof rack

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Well I have started the next phase this weekend:

-Took the propane tank apart. Cleaned it/repaint and install new fill-up valve and regulator

-Removed the transmission to get it rebuild. Mine is still operating fine but after 20 years and 200K km, it's time to get it done.
Especially since it is the weak point on a pre-89 Vanagon - as known as Sudden Death Syndrom at GoWesty...

-Send the nose of the transmission to get a decoupler

Details here -->

-Replacing the fuel tank straps and cleaning/painting the whole area. The gas tank is located above the transmission and is a major pain to remove. But again after 20 years of rust/dirt/dust/etc it has to be done.
My strap were almost non existent and will be replaced with a set of stainless steel from Germany ($280 ouch....)

-Lastly I may or may not install a rebuild WBX while I am there. Mine has been done a couple years ago and would probably be okay for a little bit longer. But since I am there...anyway I haven't decided yet on this - looking at some options right now. One thing I know is that I am sticking to the WaterBoxer for now - no engine conversion for me.

Pictures to come soon...
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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
A few more pictures....

As I mentionned my Syncro is now back in the garage for the next phase of the restoration

The Syncro can barely fit through the door - we had to be creative...


The tranny and engine are out:




These are the straps that hold the tank - new and old - you have to remove the tranny/engine to get to it.


Propane tank has been cleaned/repainted and put new regulator (Thanks Graham!) and fill valve


Some rust behind the tank - I started cleaning 20 years of rust/dust/etc.



more soon...


Expedition Leader
Nice Vanagon! Mine never looked that good.

Watch out when you reinstall the petrol tank! One of the things we found is modern pumps can easily over pressurize the system and blow one of the inaccessible seals on top of the tank if its not installed quite right. If that happens petrol spills out when you fill the tank. Or brake hard.



New member
Nice work!

I did the exact same to mine, had to swap the petrol tank out for a diesel tank when we did the TDi conversion. I had the advantage of a friend with a workshop and used the ramp :ylsmoke:

Went to the effort of replacing all the fuel lines on top of the tank, think I also replace the valves as they weren't much from VW. In theory, I don't need to worry about them again! Waxoyled the whole area around the top of the tank.

Keep up the great work and pics! :elkgrin:

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Well I did a lot of work this weekend.

The fuel tank is back in place and I am about to be ready to put the engine/tranny combo back in it - just waiting for my clutch to arrive.

Cleaned and painted the compartment behind the gas tank. Hopefully I won't see it again for another 20 years


Gas tank cleaned and new breather valves installed:


Unfortunately i had to reuse the old insulation around the tank as I couldn't figure out where to get the same material

This is another example of what 20 years + East Coast winter does to your car...




Transmission has been rebuild


Decoupler just came back from Germany


Same tranny with decoupler and starter installed


that's it for tonight....

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