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Kermit said:
I use it in addition to my Wildernest if we are staying in a place for a long period of time. I use it as my mess/gear tent.

I was stuck in the rain for a week in a 2 man...well let me tell you, it lead to the purchase of the 6 man.

Here is a photo, so you can get an idea of the scale:

Your trip sounds cool, flying into Alaska, buying a vehicle there, then driving to Colorado. Is it vacation or are you moving here?
Just a long vacation, I lived in Colorado for 10 years but moved back to the homeland of Ireland 5 years ago, I always wanted to go to Alaska and my Girlfriend really wants to to the trip too,She wants to see some Bear, moose and do some whale watching and i love a good road trip, will go to Vancover island on the wey and yellowstone and montanna and where ever the GPS takes me. Cant wait to det back to Utah to hit some trails.
I think ill park outside a lumber yard for the day and build something, not under pressure for time so if it takes a couple of days to throw something together thats ok.


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toyota_jon said:
I think if i was you i'd bring as much as you can with you including a tent. things in AK are very expensive. Food is through the roof. and then what i would do is once you get your truck head over to wally-world or freddy's (i can tell you where they are if you need) and then i'd get a bunch of plastic containers and tie downs and just organize your truck that way. it will save you time, and probably some cash as well. that way you can go and start camping right away.

on a side note while you're up there make sure you go over to the moose's tooth and have a pint of their pipeline stout for me!
Im from Ireland and things here are way over the roof, $7 gal of gas, prity much everything is twice the price as the US.


irishoffroad said:
Im from Ireland and things here are way over the roof, $7 gal of gas, prity much everything is twice the price as the US.

We have nothing to complain about then, eh?

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