Prohibiting Vehicles in Residential Areas


put the stock bed on, paint it hot pink, then attack it with a sledge hammer. Go back to the city and ask which they prefer.


I say find out who the complainer was/is.. there are ways to deal with that. I had someone complain about my toy hauler being on the side of my house.It was only there a few days at a time, but the guy down the street thought it was too long. When i found out who it was, i parked it in front of their house and moved it every 72 hours as required by law. I placed a note on the "house side" saying a camera was pointed toward it from my house. I did this for two weeks and finally moved it. That was 3 years ago and i havent had a complaint since.


I can see both sides of the issue.

Local issue here with a contractor always parking half a dozen vehicles in the street in front of his house - beat up pickups, dump trucks, trailers, etc. Practically blocking the street at times. Other people have no place to park. Etc.

Town finally enacts a regulation about commercial vehicles. So contractor gets magnetic signs for the doors and takes all other markings off. Pulls up and takes signs off to park. Says they are his personal vehicles.

So town starts looking for other avenues to enforce regulation. Wouldn't be surprised to see something like your codes coming up around here...


The city has codes that are definitions to clarify what is what in their code regulation. I moved here back in 1999. Since then, I had to remove a small (4x6) utility trailer from the driveway to the side of the house, on concrete pads, hidden from view from my driveway, and now hidden from view from neighbor's yards. I started off moving it to the side of the garage, then onto pavers, then relocated back farther and hidden by a gate, now I had to enclose my yard with a fence to keep the view of the trailer from my neighbor's yards.....All this was back several years ago.
I've been good as the codes read that I can park a trailer in front of the house for a short period of time (2 hrs) unless I'm loading and unloading. Etc. Although I was summoned to appear in court for a yard trailer sitting in my driveway. I was given notice while I put it together. When it was completed, I moved it to behind my fence. But a friend borrowed the 4x6 and left it in the driveway.


So while in court and discussion with the PA, the code regulators brought up the truck and the bed. I'm on a year probation for trailer parking now. I could have been given $5000 fine and up to 5 days in jail for the trailer.
Now for campers, it is the same typical parking regulations for on street, in driveways, etc. The codes are tight compared to any HOA I've lived in. When buying this house, my wife put an offer when I was out of town. The house is good size, but the yard sucks. Front driveway is 23* steep and the yard follows. I built a rock wall to minimize the water runoff and cutting the yard. When bought in 99

Rock wall completed

I would like to move, but I've got kids doing very well in middle and high school as well as who is looking to buy a house in this housing market, especially a house with the difficulty setting this one has. We got it for $20k asking price.

I've since sold the custom bed off for pennies its worth. I've got a pickup bed to toss on it. However, I still need to get a waiver from the city since the truck is a C&C. The code supervisor came and ran the VIN. It told them that this is a cab & chassis. But it also stated it is an 'unfinished' vehicle from Ford. This is very similar to a customized van where the completion is accomplished at another facility. With discussion with the prosecutor on the incomplete vehicle, the finished van is more acceptable to the city than the truck. But that is all personal and not hard code fact. Again, if I brought this to the city's court system, I don't think I have a winning chance even with a lawyer they would respect. (I did have to pay a minimal fine years ago for the 4x6 trailer and had a lawyer. Final talley, I basically paid close to 3 times out compared to the little fine.)
Recent actions, I was called by the code supervisor about the waiver to be accepted. He basically told me verbally as he referred to the prosecutor discussion I had. The discussion also lead to paint color. The prosecutor claimed the code to interpret not only model (factory designed cab and bed) but also included color. I stated I don't interpret that. I haven't done anything other than put big for sale signs on it and list it in CL. Getting a factory dually is acceptable, so I'm hoping to sell this. I still haven't gotten response to the waiver written so I'm basically holding off putting any more work effort into this.
A buddy of mine says, just toss the bed on and get it done. The city will leave you alone. So that is the next plan once he gets time available to help build a mounting platform for the bed to the flat frame.

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
Wow, thats rediculous, I'd be gone quicker than they could say your trucks illegal.

And there you go. No one is making us live where these rules apply, we choose to. When I bought my house I actually read (yes, unlike most people) most, if not, all of what I was signing. There was a part in it called "covenants and restrictions" which told me exactly what I could and couldn't have.
Freedom doesn't necessarily mean you can do what you want, when you want. It does mean you don't have to live there though, you can move next to Sanford & Son if you wish.
There is a time and place for such rules....


I agree, I'm currently in military housing and know the rules and which ones I can get away with (parking on lawn, most neighbors do it). But when I buy a house it will be in a rural area to avoid as much bs as possible.



Where the laws present when you bought into that neighborhood? Or did they come later? It might take a lawyer which is never cheap but explain to the codes people that they are in violation of your rights by the rule of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by imposing these rediculous and frivolous laws that are impeading of your ability to do what you like. The rules are to keep businesses out of residential neighborhoods and should not impede a homeowners desire to do what he wants. I presume it's one of your neighbors that keeps calling? Personally; if it was me I would research when the law was passed and if it was after I was already there, I would fight it or get a variance. If it was there when you moved in, then I would move. Sometimes, principles are worth more than money.

Pete Wilson
Ex- Ottawa, KS homeowner thanks to a Garmin lay-off


We most certainly do, and he made the choice as a free man to live in that neighborhood... just saying.

Not necessarily, when I was married. I had to move into her HOA style neighborhood. I didn't really have a choice, I begged to sell and buy elsewhere.

It fricken sucked, I am a country boy and used to working on projects out side. We got "friendly reminders" all of the time.

Of course I would mess with the people, when I found out who was complaining...I hated living in that neighborhood.

Thank gawd, I divorced her....;) My new neighborhood fricken rocks, I can ride wheelies down the street on the dirt bike, and people come out and wave.:roost: No Joke!


My buddy who has the space and hardware to fab won't have any specific time available in January. I still haven't gotten any written notification of accepting a waiver.
We've had several inches of snow here and with no weight in the rear, I actually have to use 4wd. 2 people can pick up the bed so it is rather light compared to the GVW level of the truck. I'm thinking a M105 trailer bed. It is flat base so it would match the flat frame as well. I need to find out what the front of bed to center wheel well measurement is. The bed is close to 9x7 which was the size of the custom bed I once had. THe overall width of the cab is 80". The bed also has weight. THe M101 is a little smaller with only a 75" width (IIRC).
To add, there is actually a slide-in enclosure for the M105 trailer. I had a bid on a couple years ago but didn't win the auction.
I'd call it a customized bed and I've spoken to the prosecutor about customization. It just can't look like a commercial style thing which the code leads to. Again, interpretation.
As for timing, I bought the truck in Sept 09, so the code was written several, possibly 30 or more, years ago. It basically restricts the parking of commercial vehicles at residents.
I'm not sure the city is quiet due to the holidays or what.

To reference codes, my first house was in a HOA in VA outside DC. I read over the convenants before completing the purchase. Who would figure a 'burb city would have codes that are restrictive as I'm finding out.


Total BS. I moved to Alaska 20+ years ago because of Lower 48 BS. We bounce back & forth to hunt Montana, Wyoming, ND etc.

Too many Bovine Scat laws for me.


Saw a wrecked Excursion sitting on a flat bed today. Something came to my mind, but I just need to get a measurement. Take the B-pillar back, put a panel across it, and put that on the flat frame of the c&c.

What I'm really needing is place to sleep in the back comfortably when I go wheeling.


Expedition Leader
Are you guys kidding me? I've never even heard of any of these garbage laws. I guess I won't complain about New Mexico anymore. I can pretty much do whatever I want. Sorry about all your laws guys.. ;)
Yeh, stupid laws for sure. I parked my 4x8 utility trailer in the side yard and got a gestapo agent letter in the mail, move it or lose it (or pay $500 fine- paid 300 for the trailer). So now its taking up space on the driveway. Law requires it to be on an improved parking surface. And that surface cannot be within 3ft of the property line... which isnt doable. Cant get the trailer in the back yard either. I'm a country boy, so living in the city for the first time sucks a big one.

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