"Serenity" - My M101A2 expedition trailer build


Glad your ok, countless people a minute lose their eye in a grinder, trailer, trip n fall accident! Cool build! I can't wait to take my fj to the summit! Long drive for me from Virginia.


Gorilla Wrangler

That's interesting. I've been thinking about that as well.

I'm going to have to fiddle around with any inherent stability concerns. Maybe something that stabilizes on the ground...


Gorilla Wrangler
The answer to the step question is a resounding "NO."

At least as far as something formally manufactured. You can't touch him for anything less than 100 bucks.

I'll probably stick with a short stepstool.


New member
Awesome build thread. Thanks for all the pictures and details. I found a Knap Kap and am going to mount it on my M101A2. I have a bunch of questions for you, hope that is OK.

What did you build the rear door out of?
Are you pleased that you got rid of the vertical doors?
Any height issues with the tent on the roof? Did you need a longer ladder?
Any problems with putting a bunch of weight on the roof? The folks at Knapheide weren't very helpful when I asked them.
Was the axle swap successful? I cannot find an axle with the 5x150 pattern and adapters don't suit me.
Anything that you wish you hadn't done?

Thanks a bunch for the inspiration.



Gorilla Wrangler
Awesome build thread. Thanks!

I found a Knap Kap and am going to mount it on my M101A2. Muahahahahahaha!!! Your madness has only begun! You're gonna think that you're gonna need a straight jacket before too long. Ask me how I know.

I have a bunch of questions for you, hope that is OK. Jesus F. Kee-rist on a chromed pogo stick.... Here we go.

What did you build the rear door out of? 3/4" plywood, edges lined with aluminum channel stock, sealed with roof siliconizer. I recycled the lock mechanism from the verticle doors.

Are you pleased that you got rid of the vertical doors? Meh. Sometimes I wish I'd done more to "make" it work, but using the tailgate seemed easier & kept the whole thing more secure.

Any height issues with the tent on the roof? None.

Did you need a longer ladder?No. The height was perfect for the annex to be made deployed with sides tensioned.

Any problems with putting a bunch of weight on the roof? No. These things were made to handle such folly.

The folks at Knapheide weren't very helpful when I asked them.Oh - the folks who said they'd make a rear hatch for me for a paltry $700. Yeah, THEM.

Was the axle swap successful? I cannot find an axle with the 5x150 pattern and adapters don't suit me.Well, as it so happens, an axel swap ain't gonna be in the budget this year; life happened, you know.

Anything that you wish you hadn't done?Good question. I'd have to think about that. Probably not. This has been a learning experience for me, so if I messed anything up, it was just unscheduled learning.

Thanks a bunch for the inspiration.You're very welcome.
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Gorilla Wrangler
Just posting to advise that the build details will continue.

There have been some challenges/disasters of late that have necessitated my time be budgeted elsewhere.

We will be at the FJ Summit this year, either on Oak St. or at the KOA.

Stay tuned...


New member
Sweet! Just caught up on this here thread, I'd lost it for awhile. Subscribing so it don't disappear again.

Love the "Do No Harm / Do Know Harm" sticker.

An how does that quote go, "Son, you get a (trailer) like this and treat her right, she'll be with ya till the day you die."
************ trailer bro! I had a few or five M series trailers over time. Still have my M416. I wanted to go a similar route you've taken with yours when I had mine before I sold her. The guys at the Steelsoldiers Rallies in Fla would love that trailer. I grew up in a muddy pond in Tampa. How's the weight. It looks heavy.


Some how I just saw this build and read through all of it. I love what you've done with the trailer. Looks like it works well with your family of 4. Can't wait to see what updates you have in store for it.


Gorilla Wrangler
Good eye! The way it sat on the road exaggerated it - I put airbags in the rear springs the moment the tires stopped rolling when we got back home.


Gorilla Wrangler
Experimenting with 2x4s along the bottom of the tent annex to help "square" it out - stakes never worked well enough...

Last week I got new tires for the FJ; old ones had plenty of tread left, so, now both FJ & trailer sport BFG 285s.

Current project is modifying the trailer side of the annex to make it seal up against the rear door & modded tailgate. I'm trying to decide if I should use the extreme duty Velcro-like fasteners or sew in a zipper & use sail track.

Sail track has been a PITA... Gonna try the Velcro next. Gotta work fast - the FJ summit will be here soon! :Wow1:
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Gorilla Wrangler
Milsurp trailer stabilizers? CHECK.

Rebuilt the surge brakes (had most parts on hand). Bearings, seals, brake shoes - all still in very good shape.

I broke yet ANOTHER PARKING BRAKE LEVER!!!! Made me feel all like


Thankfully I had a spare. :wings:

I drove through a microburst while enroute to Mom's last night. Torrential rains, 45+ MPH head & crosswinds. Everything was still waterproof (unscheduled new gasket test). I DO need to replace the shocks, though.

T-19 days until we're wheels-up & enroute to Ouray!

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