I believe there were cam phaser issues on the 5.0 as well. Not sure if cam phaser issues affect either the 3.5 or 5.0 now.Yeah I don't hear tons about turbo failures on the EB engines.
It's cam phasers and timing chains on the 3.5, and way back on the first gen the issues with sucking in water from the intercooler prior to the weep hole. That's majority of what I've absorbed over the years while online, and my friends second gen going in multiple times.
Ford had to do something for 5.0 fuel economy, with all the cars gone, they have to get the average fuel economy numbers up. Hence cylinder deactivation.
And even V-twin motorcycles have cylinder deactivation now, but I don't think it's for fuel economy. Indian Chief line up offers it anyway.
Either way, with any truck regardless of make or model, you toss in your money and you take a gamble. I'm sure you could google issues for any truck and find a bunch of stuff.