The Adventure Continues - Sedona to the Grand Canyon


Great report!
The GC is truly one of the most special places on earth.
I must go back one day and camp on the rim like you did.


This little guy rode by us all alone which concerned us. Was more then a mile or so before his Father went by in pursuit. Not sure I'd let my child ride all alone down a heavily traveled cliff-side trail by himself...

Because he's probably a little ripper and was out running dad. I'd be proud!


Thank you for this report and the great pictures with it. My fiancée has never been to the GC and I think this might be the perfect trip to show her.


Good move on packing up and moving down the trail, That guy would have spoiled your whole experience just for meanness.


Because he's probably a little ripper and was out running dad. I'd be proud!

Sort of like them little bastids up on the ski hills around here. No way I could keep up with them. But I started skiing about 15 years later than them And knew how much a yardsale can be painful


Great report! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for taking the time to read it!

Great report!
The GC is truly one of the most special places on earth.
I must go back one day and camp on the rim like you did.

Absolutely. We can't wait to go back!

Because he's probably a little ripper and was out running dad. I'd be proud!

It just seemed odd at the time given the amount of traffic on a holiday weekend. But he was movin' for sure.

Great report and amazing pics


Thanks for the great report. Grand Canyon is on our list for later this year.

You'll love it. It's an amazing place.

Thank you for this report and the great pictures with it. My fiancée has never been to the GC and I think this might be the perfect trip to show her.

Do it! She'll have a great time.

Good move on packing up and moving down the trail, That guy would have spoiled your whole experience just for meanness.

At the time, we we're bummed and frustrated, but it was the right call. We've always enjoyed having a special place to ourselves and it was worth the move.

looks like an amazing trip, thanks for sharing!!

Thank you for reading!

Sort of like them little bastids up on the ski hills around here. No way I could keep up with them. But I started skiing about 15 years later than them And knew how much a yardsale can be painful

It's easier to bounce along the ground when you're young and flexible. Some of these kids have no fear!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read our adventure. It's greatly appreciated!


Outstanding report, fantastic photos! We were just there a few weeks ago prior to Overland Expo on a nice moto ride thru Sedona to Flag to Grand Canyon and Tusayan on the way back. Great trip you had there and a willing partner and accompanying pooch...what more can you ask! :)


I really enjoyed your story and photos. Is Havasupai Point where the South Bass trail starts? I've parked in the lot there and hiked the trail twice in years past but didn't really pay much attention to nearby camping spots.

Todd Z.


You got lucky

Your rude, overbearing visitor was actually right, even if he was not respectful or courteous. I hate to defend someone like the fellow you describe but you do need a back country permit to camp at that point. It can be a bit confusing and there are no signs stating that a permit is needed (unlike the back country spots on the north rim) but you do need a permit and the citation is very significant. We camped up there without a permit and the rangers came out and we had to move to the forest area and off the park as we did not have a permit. Two friends that I camped with were not as lucky as they both got cited and still had to move.

You can get a permit via email through the back country office at the park or get it at the park, but then you are taking a chance that the spots may be taken. It is not costly and I highly recommend that you get one before you go out. Don't let the pass requirement dissuade you, it is worth the trip and the little bit of extra effort.

Todd, Havasupai point and Ruby point (Ruby point is the permit you want to ask for at the Back country office) are just east of Bass. As you head to Bass, you will see a hard right before you get to Bass. Take that road and you will end up at Ruby and Havasupai. It really is one of the best spots on the south rim, but unfortunately no longer a secret. Keep cash handy for the reservation pass. The last time I crossed it was $25.


Todd, Havasupai point and Ruby point (Ruby point is the permit you want to ask for at the Back country office) are just east of Bass. As you head to Bass, you will see a hard right before you get to Bass. Take that road and you will end up at Ruby and Havasupai. It really is one of the best spots on the south rim, but unfortunately no longer a secret. Keep cash handy for the reservation pass. The last time I crossed it was $25.

Thanks Mikey - I figured it had to be somewhere nearby but I didn't remember nearby camping spots when I parked to hike. We had to pay the $25 in 2003/2004 when I was there the last time. I think the first year I went was in '97 and they hadn't erected their little pay station/house at that time yet.

Todd Z.


Your rude, overbearing visitor was actually right, even if he was not respectful or courteous. I hate to defend someone like the fellow you describe but you do need a back country permit to camp at that point.
It may be correct or not, but as long as the rude and overbearing visitor was not a park ranger, it was not his bloody business to barge in.
I am awed by the OP's self-control and composure - not sure I'd behave that well.

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