The Great On Board Shower Debate


Personally I don't really worry too much about it if I'm out for 3 days or less, but its definitely an issue for my girlfriend, even after one day.

I've long considered some kind of pressurized water tank (bug sprayer or maybe plumbed with a Q/D to my ARB compressor) which the water out line would connect to a copper line wrapped around the exhaust pipe or manifold. The copper line would then connect up again to hose that leads to a low flow shower head. This should raise the temp a few degrees, but the tradeoff would be lack of consistent water temp.

I'll report back in a couple years when I get around to it. :chef:


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UK4X4 said:
What denotes a shower ?

People on this site are wide and varied in background, the size of their toy fund and have diferent perceptions of what a shower might be...and what they are willing to pay over and above the flannel and a pot of water...

I agree, some will have different expectations. But I would hate to see you spend $100 in parts and hours of your time when you could spend $250 and have a proven system that works. I'm not saying home-brew setups won't work, quite the opposite, I know some that work very well... I'm just saying that a single pass tube in shell exchanger or radiator integrated system could leave you feeling left out in the cold (poor pun intended :D). I'm not speaking from "what if", I'm speaking from experience, as I mentioned the ones that spent several hundred dollars making their trans cooler into a shower wished they would have done otherwise, your results may vary.

As for my expectations for a shower. When I'm out for even a couple of days I want to be clean. Different times of year, different trips and different vehicles will surely influence that. When I'm in my topless Land Cruiser in the west desert, I want to shower at night, and when I can take 3-4 decent showers on 5 gallons, why not. I've gone without, I'm not saying I can't... but choosing a vehicle as my base for exploration affords some intrinsic benefits, a shower being one of them, a freezer/fridge being another. I don't need either of them, just as I don't need a RTT or a camp chair either... but when you consider many of us are into our rigs 30k+, another couple grand in accessories that really make things comfortable doesn't sound too bad :D

Topher Walters

I have the espar unit and only used it a few times. It works great with no problems and heats up pretty quick.(Diesel fueled) I have a solar shower that is 5 gallons that I have used for years and continue to use. It works great when you have sunny weather. It gets very hot when you can leave it in the sun for a full day.

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