Thinking About Selling the 40. . .


Okay, here is the delimma: I have sold the 40 before, and lamented it until I purchased it back (for 1000 less than I sold it!) but in the interim I purchased a 60 series, rebuilt the engine, sold it to buy the 40 back, and during that time purchased a 96 80 series. (Okay, when I write it out it looks like I have a problem!)

I'm currently building up the 80--sliders (thanks simon) ARB (sitting at Adventure Trailers) Snorkel (allright, I'm a sucker for the look, I'll admit it!) and just sold a tent and rack to fund a rear bumper.

So the 80 really works better for the family, 3 kids and a great wife who likes to come along. I'm really blessed. But the 40 gets very little time, and it is in constant need of work (motor mounts being the most recent--along with a radiator)

Since my wife stays at home we are working on one income and live in So Cal--which is not easy, but we have continued to make it.

So, the question is this, do I sell the 40 for a decent price, finish the 80 build, or hold on to the 40 and neglect it for the forseeable future?


Here's a pic of the 40, will post the 80 in a bit


Think long term. Keep the 40. Mine cost about $40 a year to register and $250 a year to insure. So for the price of one pizza a month it can sit in the driveway.
When the kids get old enough you can teach them to drive a clutch, it's a dying skill.


ExPo Original
gillti said:
So, the question is this, do I sell the 40 for a decent price, finish the 80 build, or hold on to the 40 and neglect it for the forseeable future?
I wouldn't mess with the whole, "If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you it was meant to be," thing.

A 40 in hand, even if neglected, is like money in the bank just sitting there collecting interest. I would hang onto it if at all possible.


Sell it, I've already got a buyer lined up for you.:sombrero: I mean really, think about how nice it will be with that 80 with the coil spring suspension, e lockers, and fuel injection. You can only wheel all those intangibles you love about the 40 so far..

Sorry about the sarcasm. That really is a tough decision you have to make. I'm glad it's not me. I'd love to have a 40, but have a 60 with a front bench seat because I have 4 kids. It's really about getting out there with them, and if that means you have to make some sacrifices then maybe you do. Good luck whichever route you choose.
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All good points. . . the reality of having enough money to get out and use these things is pushing this too. What good are they if they sit. Pairing down makes financial sense, but there is a good point to parking the 40 for a while, focusing on the 80, and getting out more, which I believe is the point of all this anyway.

Keep the advice coming, it's very valuable.


taco chaser

Supporting Sponsor
Man, you crazy, you want to trade for a chevy:sombrero: it's got 4wd and a brand new 383 ?:hehe: plenty of room for the kids.


Supporting Sponsor
ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS 'WHAT' ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND.......DONT DO IT...If you need a place to keep it I will make some room in my shop for it and I swear I will only drive it during the week and on weekends.......


I have been thinking about selling mine as well and they aren't getting the prices that they used to. Also Spectre is having a sale right now which will put a little coin back in your pocket on the parts. The reality that I came to was how much to I really need to have to get out there and enjoy the outdoors with my family? I had let myself get crippled with fear about going wheeling because my didn't have everything it "needed." The 40 forces me to slow down and take it easy which in LA it is hard to find anything that encourages you to do that. Is your wife interested in driving at all? BTW, motor mounts and a radiator are cheaper than a snorkel for an 80 series. If you do sell the 40, DIBS!!!


El Gringo Spectacular!
Well, first of all, I know the feeling. Looking at Calmaridog's 100 series in the for sale section makes me realize that that would be much better for a DD/Family rig than my FJ45....

That being said...I highly doubt we'll ever lose money on the 40 series rigs. I sold a 1976 FJ40 (my first Cruiser), and have regretted it ever since. Driving the 40 is a different experience, and since you have the 80, there really is no reason to part with it. You don't HAVE to work on it until it's convenient, it's cheap to register and insure, and if you have reason to sell it.



I'm getting a feel for the responses here. and scotty, thanks for the slap! I probably need it.

I know the feeling of regret, and the idea of selling is not one that I like. My wife is not so interested in driving it, too high to climb up.

For me, the idea of making sure that I am not going to be an inconvenience on the trail because of breakdowns is important. I've taken the 40 out twice and both times I have had trouble. I'm relatively new to all of this so driver error is big, but there is a big maintenance factor that is important to me. Also, with kids as young as mine, it's harder to roll with the breakdowns. . . However, they were awesome in a freezing Anza Borrego breakdown, so i have to give them credit.

The balance of wise spending, impulse purchase, and just staying in a vehicle because you love it is interesting and I am working through it. All your thoughts help. keep em coming.

The problem is, you look at an 80 series like simon's (theexile) and you realize there is so much you could do on both vehicles.

However, here is how the 40 stacks up:
Sprung over (Wardens did it)
35 inch rubber
Front disk brakes
1978 Engine Swap
Wired for towing
1978 Seats
Jeep rear seat (need the conferr with the drawer!)
Heater works (!)
And my daughter says she wants to get married in it. . .She doesn't know about this conversation. . .

There is a part of me that wants to do it justice by starting to break it down peace by peace and work on it in a different way than I have. Not a restoration, but a complete update on parts and body panels and such. But that is a project that will take a long time.

Keep up the comments, it's making me think.
Thanks guys.



Expedition Leader
My advice would be to keep it. I'm fairly new to all this as well and I started going down a similar road with my 55. As much as I want it perfectly restored, its just not going to happen over night. I know that I'll regret it if I sell it and I don't have another Cruiser to focus on.
The fact that you have an 80 makes it pretty easy in my mind. The 40 sounds like its pretty built already. You really don't "need" to do that many mods to the 80 to enhance its capability. I would get the 80 where you want it, and drive it. This gives you plenty of time to work on the 40 as time and money permit.
Probably, nothing that hasn't been said already, just my $.00002 :sombrero:


Supporting Sponsor
Bring that Thing down to My shop and lets get er done up right...Dont let the little stuff like a radiator get you down...KEEP IT !!!!!!!!BUILD IT!!!!!!WHEEL IT!!!

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