Trasharoo alternatives


Active member
Thanks, just checked and found the gray in stock and ordered one. Any idea on how long it takes to get through customs? I have a trip on the 19th and will cancel my trasharoo order if it can be here in time.


I always figured a trash bag mounted to the back of the vehicle MUST double as a vehicle bug out bag. Mine is a backpack. So I can take it off, load it with essentials and hike away with it.

Space is tight on my series 109
Thanks, just checked and found the gray in stock and ordered one. Any idea on how long it takes to get through customs? I have a trip on the 19th and will cancel my trasharoo order if it can be here in time.

It will ship on Monday, so I doubt it would be there in time for that trip unfortunately.


Long time off-grid vanlife adventurist
I've had my GARB from NB Expeditions on my trailer spare, used hard, since May 2018.

That's fifteen months and some 33,000 miles of every kind of road and environment and weather one can imagine; from the salty coast of Maine to the Smoky mountains of East Tennessee, from the swamps and bayous of southern Louisiana to the wild humidity and salt air of the Gulf of Mexico, and the biggest test, the raw and unfiltered sun and rugged trails of seventeen weeks of desert borderland in West Texas.

I stay out for months at a time and like gear I can depend on without worry.

I put the GARB on my trailer spare the day after I got it fifteen months ago and have never had to adjust it once. Seriously.

I've loaded it with all kinds of stuff, though it usually holds returnables on one side and non-food waste trash on the other. I've kept gallons of spring water in the bottom and hauled firewood with it.
I keep gloves and trash bags in the pockets. I like that it has several places to stash things. I love that it has D-rings for attaching the corners of trash bags. Instead of tying the bags to the corners, I use small stick toggles like one might on a corner of a tarp or rainfly.

I use it every day.

Of all the vendors I've dealt with peddling new products, I have to say these guys have been great, in design, communication, and quality of product.

#noaffiliation - I just love the product. It's a great bit of kit.

Here's a bunch of images of it in use:

Last summer lake camping in the woods of New Hampshire

Stick toggles to hold standard grocery type bag. I keep gallon jugs under the bag on this side and fill the other side with returnables/recyclables.
That side will hold two fifteen pack boxes side by side, two tall.

Desert camping along the border three and half months ago

Eleven days ago, 2019-0808, in the woods of New England.

My GARB is honestly one of the few pieces of gear that gets used every day, whether set up for basecamp like this, quick one-night stops on the trail, or rolling on the interstate for days. You can see the GARB doesn't sag and has not faded appreciably.

Here's an image I took just this afternoon for this post, after it being in the weather and on the road all over the country for fifteen months:

It could use a good cleaning and spray after all this time with some 303 Fabric Guard Protectorant.
I should have done that this past spring.

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old .45

Any way.... I have used my "Trasharoo " bag since 2010 mounted on the tailgate of my 1st and now my second PU. Faded yes, beat up yes, failing in any way? no. Granted I do not leave it mounted all the time, no need to. However it has ben on more than one trip out west from the NE and in the sun in the desert of a week or more timeI on all trips, and 2 long trips into Canada. Simple and works for me! I do not anticipate having to replace it any time soon! Great product for its intended carry trash.


Expedition Leader
I found the cheap amazon version at an amazon return/resell store and bought it for $4.50. Haven't used it yet as I literally just got it. Never felt the need for one but, hey, it was $4.50.

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