Two Libra's Tiger XL - Glamping continued....


Glamping Society
Welcome to the continuing adventure of the 1994 Provan Tiger XL! If you are interested in reading how this story began, please visit this thread:

For those of you who don't know us, we are Josh and Heidi, longtime members here on the EXPO. After several years of joyful ownership of a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser, we decided we were ready for a more laid back adventure, with a few more creature comforts. We too blame this Tiger affliction on Suntinez, while after camping with her on several trips we got to know "Toni" the Tiger and just how nice it was to be able to escape inside from the elements when needed. The RTT just wasn't cutting it anymore! So when HMR decided to sell his rig we jumped at the opportunity. Off we blasted across the desert to the coast of California where we picked up our new Glampingmobile.


Our first stop, after visiting family, was to see our friends Dave, Yosh, and Dixie of Adventureduo and Trasharoo fame....we needed a new Trasharoo! Thanks again guys!!


Of course, we started conjuring up a modification list on the way back home, future plans and future trips. Unfortunately, the timing of this purchase could not have been worse as we had many prior activities coming up, then some serious family health issues that hit us out of nowhere. It was a while before we could take it out on our first adventure. Over the next month we slowly got to know the vehicle and worked on a few things. We wanted to make the bed as comfy as possible, so we added a memory foam topper:



Its quite plush now! After all, this is glamping! You can also see in that pic that the van was still outfitted with the horrible old school incandescent lighting. I found a great deal on ebay for 5 new LED replacement lights and up they went (sorry for the bad cell phone pic):


Before our mod list got too long, we wanted to head out on our first Pride Prowl. As some of you may know, it didn't turn out to be so prideful. Rather than re-hash it here, you can read all about it on our blog:


Sadly, even after repairing the issues mentioned in the blog, the van was just not running right..the problem actually seemed to get worse. We did inspect the replacement parts and they were indeed fried, but our anxiety remained high until we could get this worked out. Long story short, we changed mechanics and they were able to find the problem: bad fuel pump. There were also some other sensors going bad in there so we had pretty much everything to do with that system replaced at the same time. The van is now running like a champ around town, but we have not been able to take it out on a longer trip.


Glamping Society
But let's continue on with the positive! Hopefully Yoda can keep us on the light side...


As some of you may know we've been fighting some major haboobs here in Phoenix, along with 110 degree+ weather its really hampered the time we have to work on the vehicle! We have managed some small things though, such as fixing the screen door latch:


Adding this cool new LED porch light which is also has a built in motion detector:


We replaced all the rusted and disintegrating locks and latches on the outside compartment doors, going from 6 keys to 4. They are all also now weatherproof:


We had an inside cabinet pull break in half, so we changed those out to something simple and modern. The cabinets and counter-top have seen better days and we have hopes of one day doing a full replacement, but for now this will do. Before:




Window tint, as only those who live in the desert can understand!


Also replaced some aging weatherstripping. Before:




Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Right on you guys, glad you're digging it and improving it even further than it already was from HMR. Thanks for stopping by and you guys are always welcome to boondock here if need be :D

Yosh now has even more Tiger envy


Glamping Society
Thanks for the complements everyone!! Right now we have several projects in various stages of being finished. We are about to take a 3 week trip with it up the coast, so we are working feverishly to get it all done!

One that I didn't have time to add last night before the storm rolled in....Overland Vans semi-4" lift kit. This Tiger being a 1994 was a transition year, and still had the old fiberglass leafs and shorter torsion bars on it. We knew we really didn't want so much as a lift as we wanted to upgrade the components and give the larger tires more clearance in the front (we couldn't even pull in our driveway without them rubbing).

We did a lot of research, even called around to some local shops. In the end after speaking with Gerald we figured his kit was the way to go. Its adjustable from about 2" to 4" so we didn't have to go extreme. Also the leaf springs that come with the kit are for heavy duty trucks with a weight far greater than ours. One thing to say about the Overland kit is don't order it if you are in a hurry. It took probably a total of 3 weeks for all the parts to come in.

I'm sorry I don't have any great before and after pics. But if you look at the rear wheel-well you can get an idea of the difference here.



We also had to upgrade to a longer rear shock, so we went with the Bilsten 5125:

A big thanks to Wil and Kyle at Sierra Expeditions for installing this for us. It was quite a job and took a bit of changing and massaging to get it to work, but they got it dialed in for us. I think we are the only lifted Astro Tiger out there right now.

A word of advice for those other Astro Tiger owners who may be looking into doing this. You do not need the steering extension or the subframe spacers. The spacers will not work on these converted RV's, thus not needing the steering extension either. Any lift is going to need to be from cranking the torsion keys up. We did that and the ride was horrible, so back down they went. We still got a small lift in the front, but not enough and ended up having to pound in the fenders a bit to get the tires to clear, but no biggie there.

We are also keeping the airbags in, although we don't really need them now. I think we are going to experiment with them on our next trip just to see if we can feel a difference.


Wait. Why wouldn't the sub-frame spacers work? It was my understanding that the whole sub-frame remains on these conversions.


Glamping Society
Wait. Why wouldn't the sub-frame spacers work? It was my understanding that the whole sub-frame remains on these conversions.

According to the guys at SE it was only able to go on the front, not all the way to the back. Maybe Wil will chime in and explain more.

Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of spacer lifts anyway so this was a component I didn't mind sending back.


Correct, the six sub-frame spacers only lift the front. They are used on all Astros lifted 2" or greater that haven't been converted to solid axle.

I just installed 2" sub-frame spacers on Grumpy, fairly easy to do and appears to be quite solid.
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Just a thought. Most places that do lifts are used to full body or suspension lifts and have never seen an Astro with its partial frame or its lift kit which is a hybrid of the two styles. I would gather this is why SE was confused by the kit for the Astro and didn't install the sub-frame spacers.

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