What happened to the sierra 4x4 thread from yesterday?

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
By the way: I have a conqueror trailer- built in South Africa-
Every trip I struggle with Euro spec stuff and can't get them on the phone or to respond to an e-mail when I have a problem or need a part, but I make the choice to continue to love and use my trailer.
Concessions ... concessions.
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I can't help thinking that I offended you in the earlier post. I probably shouldn't have set your van on fire. ;).

That's OK, I made out like a bandit with the Insurance company. But it has been a little hard to find orange Shag Carpet for the new one.


That's perfect. In appreciation, I bet Sierra would even pay for the printing. Without paying a dime, ExPo has improved their SEO (search engine optimization) for future buyers. I'll take two please. One for my trailer.

Sent from my iToaster


This is why I purchased my trailer from AT, I didn't need to deal with these headaches.
I hope everyone that has ordered from Sierra4X4 gets taken care of!


New member
flaming sierra

Being a newby and someone who doesn't post much I do enjoy and appreciate all of the opinions regarding Chris and Sierra or any vendor for that matter. I'm am not only a bystander in these threads but an unwilling participant in Chris's inability to fill and order. I have not complained in this forum but I have certainly wanted to chime in. The threads (before being locked) should have been my warning. By the way, I have been waiting since the end of February for my parts order.


Damn. Sorry to hear about another victim that adds to the growing list. Sounds like just parts though, not out thousand $ on a full trailer. I feel so bad for all of you, especially now that winter is coming and you've been forced to miss another season of enjoyment. I feel lucky having only dealt with this " outfit" for a minor part, which they totally F'd up then, laughably, left ME negative feedback on an online site. After all the negative forum reviews of these jokers, you really take our own risk ordering anything from them.


I wish I would've stumbled onto this site when first researching about Sierra 4x4.... I ordered my trailer back in May and he has given me the same exact problems. Never calls, doesn't keep customer informed, it was to be ready next week for the last six weeks! Hell, it's been in paint the last two!! Me and MY FAMILY have reached the boiling point with him. He had time to defend his inaction here instead of contacting his customers to explain what is going on with their trailer build. I think forums like this one are perfect for keeping honest business men honest... JMHO on the last.


Jeep & Camping Enthusiast
Sierra 4x4

I'm a full trailer build ordered and paid for in the beginning of March and promised before my April Spring Break trip.... well now it's October and we've missed more delivery promises than I can count and he now is deleting every post of mine on his facebook page, not returning phone calls, etc... Anyone need any more info about it please don't hesitate to ask.

Next steps.... credit card charge back or attorney up and sue.... so stupid it has to come to this.


I had really hoped that this guy would have got his act together. Not because it would help him out, but because I feel really bad for the guys getting screwed.

This guys doesn't deserve to stay in business and I hope anybody who ever defended him on this forum feels like crap.


When I got mine built spring 2011 I had some difficulties but did have a build by date placed in the contract; he still was late. As part of the order I also requested for him to only place his business name on the rear of the trailer, for personal preference reasons. Anyway, the reason for this post is that I am now thinking to remove the sticker. The reason is I do not want people seeing the trailer in my travels and then getting in a bad situation on a custom order.

They are solidly built trailers. My advice is if you can get one go for it, just do not order one to get made.


Has anybody else that is waiting on a trailer heard from Chris lately? Mine was supposed to be delivered (again) 2 weeks ago. I haven't heard from him since and have tried all avenues of contact that I can think of.


I picked up my trailer yesterday, it is perfect. I have to say Chris has been busy trying to get these out. Best thing I can say now is have patience with him and keep trying to call. You won't be disappointed with the trailer.

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