Winterizing a '91 Suburban

Zimnij Volk

Well guys, it's been a while. I ended up leaving for Florida before expected without my Suburban and now, a long story bypassed, I'm in Wisconsin. (Pity me, I had to drive a cramped little Kia Sportage from Florida to here. :REOutShootinghunter) I'm going to go and pick it up soon, but I've seen what happens to vehicles here during winter. What can I do to help stop it from rusting up everywhere?

Thanks guys.



Your ?

Eastwood has a salt neutralizer it mixes w/water and can be brushed on or sprayed on, then there are many sealing products that would help. Do this before going north before winter.

Rust can be converted w/ospro.

Other products like graphite based paints/coatings work well too.

For cooling system try waterless coolants like Evans.

Batteries can be wrapped and even heated too, engine block heater would do a world of good.

Erik N

Some advice (from a pest exterminator) was to mix rat poison w/ peanut butter, and stuff it into PVC pipe. That way the rodents "eat their fill" and not your wires.

I left my '88 V20 under a tree last August, with just a tarp over it and a sprinkling of rat poison around it. I am hoping it will be good to go when I return in a week to pull it from the depths of storage and take it on it's annual 500 mile backcountry fishing trip.

Assuming my 'Burb is still intact, I will do the PVC thing next time... I'll try to post some pics when I uncover it..
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Zimnij Volk

Thanks for all the information, guys. I want to keep my truck as long as I can, so having it rust out on me while I'm over here for a few years would be terrible.

Erik N, would rat poison be necessary if the Suburban is my DD? Also, can't wait to see your burb!

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