WreckDiver1321's 2003 Frontier CC SC


Not truck related, but I've been checking out what this new camera can do. Here's a couple of pics of Scout falling asleep this afternoon.

I like having complete control over the image. Being able to tell the camera exactly what to do is pretty nice. I'm still getting used to it (read: still figuring out what I'm doing), but I'm already noticing a big improvement over my previous Canon point-and-shoot. The sharpness/clarity and total control of depth of field and focal point are making me much happier with my images.



I've spent the last few days playing with the camera and getting all of it's settings figured out. It's pretty easy to get used to. I've also decided that I like being able to make higher quality shots, so I'm fairly sure I need to invest in Adobe Lightroom. I've been using the free trial and it's a good program to help improve photos at the level that I want. There are a few other free programs, but so far I haven't found one that I liked as much.

***beware techy talk***

I've also made the switch to shooting in RAW format (NEF for Nikon). Shooting in RAW allows me to use the raw imaging data taken from the sensor instead of a compressed and edited jpeg. This means I'll be able to preserve ultimate image quality, even after editing. Jpegs degrade as you edit them. RAW files don't. The downside to shooting in RAW is that the image files fill up an SD card faster. A lot faster. Using my 16gb SD card, if I shoot in jpeg, I can take around 1800 pictures. Shooting in RAW, I can take 909. That being said, I feel that it's worth it.

***end techy talk***

Anyway, here's a couple I took today with very very minor enhancements from Lightroom.



I'm holding my wallet until I finish with the swap :). Looking forward for a Sony a99 cam with the 70-400mm lens and the standard lens.

Your shots are cool, you should get near pro level soon :) Here is one of my old shots with my compact Lumix FZ35 when the Patrol had 32's



Man, I have been neglecting my thread!

Shanfari, I've always liked your pics. They are nicely processed and the composition is great!

Lately, I've been focused (ha!) on my camera work. I've been enjoying learning a lot about the camera and using Lightroom. I've also been working on getting my future lens setup figured out. The problem I've been having lately is the god-awful weather. It's been snowy and cloudy and gloomy lately, and that has a habit of making my shots rather dull. I'm waiting impatiently for the weather to be nice again.


Adventure Seeker
I can tell you have been working on your photography craft. It's looking pretty good.

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I can tell you have been working on your photography craft. It's looking pretty good.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thanks! I've always loved photography. Unfortunately when I first got into it, DSLRs were stupidly expensive, all I could afford was film. As that was slowly phased out, I was stuck with a lowly point and shoot for a while. This is the first time I've been able to get back to actually honing my skills again. It's a work in progress, as I've forgotten a lot of what I knew, but it's coming back rather quickly.


very nice.
How do you like the new camera? I am thinking of upgrading my 7 year old Pentax DSLR. It was an entry level back then. I am looking at Nikon 3100 or 5100 or may be sty from Pentax. Cheers


very nice.
How do you like the new camera? I am thinking of upgrading my 7 year old Pentax DSLR. It was an entry level back then. I am looking at Nikon 3100 or 5100 or may be sty from Pentax. Cheers


I love it. It's nice and light, just the right size. Not too big, not too small. It's also really well built. It's full of good features that you wouldn't expect in an entry level camera. I'm really impressed with how it handles low light and high ISOs. Pictures don't come out grainy. Honestly, the only thing I wish it had was auto exposure bracketing. It would make it easier if I wanted to do HDR photos, but I can do it manually without too much trouble. Beyond that, it does everything I want it to do, and it does it very well. At $500 for two lenses and the body, it's a great deal. Also take a look at the D3300. I've never seen anything less than a stellar review on that. It's like a D3100, just more. If you're dying for the moveable LCD, the D5100 is a good bet. The way I look at it though, the D3300 will give you a higher resolution, slightly smaller, lighter camera with a better lens for slightly less.


Cheers, will look at the 3300 or the 3200. Will let you know what I end up with. Will have to post pics too :)


Well, I haven't been on here in just short of forever.

I've been doing a lot of photography, honing my skills and having fun. Got out into the mountains a few days ago to take some photos and I managed to sink in two feet of snow. I was by myself, so I ended up having to dig the truck out. No worries though, it was only a 15 minute pit stop :D

Also, I've been spending time planning some trips for the summer. This one will have much more adventure than the last.

On a side note, I met Ryan Erickson off of Expedition Overland today at the annual Billings Home Improvement Show. We chatted for a few minutes. He's a really nice guy.


Great thread wreckdiver1321 just spent most of the day reading through all 50 pages:coffeedrink: love how your truck has turned out so far & your trips away. The Frontier was badged as the D22 Navara here in the UK but it only came with a 2.5 diesel engine which can be time bombs as the con rods can go through the side of the block at as little as 40K miles so people are fitting the bomb proof 2.7 diesel engines out of the R20's which will run on pure veg oil. When I read the price you guy's are paying for petrol (gas) it almost made me cry as it's 6.50 pounds a gallon over here which is about 10.86 US dollars & diesel costs even more

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