pot and pans


I've decided to not become a Magma dealer. They don't have any pricing policy, so if you hunt a bit you can get these pretty close to cost. I'm not going to publish their dealer pricing, but here's what I can say. I found these for $190 shipped. If I buy these at dealer cost, pay California sales tax and shipping from Magma I barely save any money.

If I sold them at $10 over cost and had to pay credit card processing fees for each transaction, I'd break even. Just not worth the effort to put a group buy together.

I ordered a set from here: http://www.anchorexpress.com/store/search.aspx?searchTerms=A10-366


OverCamping Specialist
$180, wow!
I paid $70 more direct at $270, plus around $50 for the omelet pan.

Curious what Amazon will be selling these for.
Checked a few days ago, did not see the Ceramica sets yet.

Let us know what you think of them when you get them.
I cooked up another omelet Saturday with no oil at all in the pan, and it slid right out onto my plate.
Weill be trying out fried eggs and Morningstar Sausage Patties this coming Saturday in it.


Thanks for the link Woods - that is a fantastic deal! I had been getting ready to pull the trigger on a used set at amazon, but brand new for $190 shipped is a great deal (no sales tax for me here in UT). Ordered mine this morning.
Corey, appreciate all the testing and reviews.
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They have at least one set on Amazon when I checked earlier. http://www.amazon.com/Magma-COOKWAR...041453&sr=8-4&keywords=magma+ceramic+cookware Still not a good deal compared to the link above.

Thanks for the link.
I originally bought the nonstick and returned it, so I could wait on the ceramic ones.

$180, wow!
I paid $70 more direct at $270, plus around $50 for the omelet pan.

Curious what Amazon will be selling these for.
Checked a few days ago, did not see the Ceramica sets yet.

Let us know what you think of them when you get them.
I cooked up another omelet Saturday with no oil at all in the pan, and it slid right out onto my plate.
Weill be trying out fried eggs and Morningstar Sausage Patties this coming Saturday in it.
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I got my ceramic set. Guess I better go camping to test them out :)

BTW, I think $200 for this set is a bargain.


OverCamping Specialist
You are welcome Paul.
Nick, looking forward to hearing how you like them.

Woods, glad the set came.
They are indeed worth the price IMO, very heavy duty, and no worries about food sticking.

Magma sent me something they are working on, it will arrive Friday.
Not quite sure what it is, but I will let you know.


I spy magma accessories

On the side of the box, I found pictures of two cool accessories. Pot holders that protect the pots while nested and a nesting colander. I found the colander for $25, but can't find the pot holders. Personally, I think the pot holders should be included. Even if this meant raising the price a bit. The way that I store my set (not all nested together) I can't use the colander. If I change to nesting all in one, then I'll buy it too.




OverCamping Specialist
Those pot holders are what will arrive at my home tomorrow.
I guess I am the beta tester for them.
Will let you know how they work, and I will snag some pics with my new Canon Rebel T5i Santa brought me.


Expedition Leader
The shown pot protectors, assuming the "arms" of the design come up the sides of the pan,...and made from silicone or similar grabby material should do the trick! Look forward to your feedback Corey.


Gotta love using a new toy to show off a new toy.

Will be interested to see how they work. My felt liners lap over the tops of the pots. I like that it does this. It keeps everything, even the lids, from touching anything else. As long as the Magma "arms" are long enough, they should do the same.

Those pot holders are what will arrive at my home tomorrow.
I guess I am the beta tester for them.
Will let you know how they work, and I will snag some pics with my new Canon Rebel T5i Santa brought me.


OverCamping Specialist
I was not expecting these either, they are a "freebie" for all the trouble I went through having had to scrub off that oil that baked into the pots.
On account of my problems I had, they then updated their instruction sheet to not season the pans.


New member
Pot holders

I found some pot protectors that look just like that at Target for around $10. Fits great in the Magma set!


OverCamping Specialist
For my troubles with the oil burning into the finish due to seasoning the pans when they did not need seasoning, Magma sent me a set of their pot holders to keep the pots from clanging into each other when packed away and your rig is moving.

These are very nice and come in a set of three, with large, medium, and small.
I have four pots not counting the saute pan which is the lid and the separate omelet pan, but as you can see from the pictures. you only need three of them.


Three stacked next to the set


All three laid out


All of them in the three biggest pots, still one pot left above the omelet pan, no need for one in it which you will see why in the next picture below


No need for one in the last pot since nothing resides inside of it


Omelet pan stacks on top of the two lids which stack on top of that smallest pan, and the saute pan on the right forms the lid over the whole set

One very nice set!

I do not believe these are yet shown on Magma's site, you will have to call or email them to find out how to order them.


I'm going to put my Magma Teflon set up for sale. Thinking $90 plus shipping. Post your zip if you want a shipping price.

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