"Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread


This could be anywhere
Why not just torque stall the torque converter for a while? that'll heat up the tranny oil right quick. If you're worried about it overheating measure the trans cooler inlet temps with a infrared heat gauge.


Apparently it's not a good week to get work done on my truck...

I tore all of the wiring apart on the trans fan and fixed any potential problems. I made sure the grounds were good, replaced a fuse, and double checked my relay wiring. All is well. So I tried to force the fan to come on by heating up the tranny again. Never saw or heard the fan engage. Tomorrow I might build a jumper wire to go from the switch terminal on the relay to the battery to see if the wiring is totally good. If it is, that means my thermo switch is broken and I'll need to replace it.

I also set about trying to paint my new recovery brackets this week. Things were going really well. I knocked the mill scale off the brackets, sanded them down, cleaned them, and primed them. I added a couple coats of paint and let them dry. For some reason, the paint cracked. I tried to sand down the cracked area and the paint wasn't fully set yet. So the paint on them is ruined now. I am in the process of stripping everything with acetone so I can hand them over to a friend who will powder coat them.

I checked on my spacers from PRG today. Yep, PayPal used the wrong address and they got sent to the house I lived at three years ago. Well, they tried to arrive there. The post office marked them as undeliverable, so they are being sent back to PRG. and PRG isn't answering the phone.

Also called Nisstec to check on my springs. Nisstec doesn't have them in stock, so they are waiting on ARB to ship them to them so they can ship them to me. Nisstec expects the springs early next week, so they will send them to me by the end of the week and hopefully will be with me by the week after.

Guess it'll be a while before I'm getting anything done.


Went on a trip to visit a very dear friend of mine down in Sundance, Wyoming. While we were there, I got a chance to look around some areas that I rarely ever go to. Granted, these travels aren't very overland or off road oriented, but we did camp outside my friend's house (her family has several acres outside of town) and got the full Oztent experience. More on that later.

We got to Sundance on Monday afternoon, and made plans to go see the sights in the nearby Black Hills region. We started by heading out into the arid Badlands east of the horrifically touristy town of Wall. The Badlands are a beautiful but unforgiving place full of spiky geologic formations containing untold numbers of fossils. This region is strangely out of place when compared to the surrounding plains of South Dakota. It's a place strangely devoid of wind and scorched by a very hot sun. But it really is a beautiful place in it's own way. We spent a few hours hiking and getting very dehydrated.

We stopped for lunch while we were here, and my awning saved our bacon while the sun beat down.

More later....


Great photos! I'm hoping to make it to Wyoming now that I'm a resident of the PNW. These pictures just reaffirm that desire.


From the Badlands, we headed back west and into the Black Hills. We are big fans of exploring caves, and the Black Hills are full of them. We stopped off at Sitting Bull Cave outside of Custer and took a really cool tour. Sitting Bull Cave is home to the largest collection of Dogtooth Spar crystals in the world. Seeing the formations firsthand was fascinating, and learning the history of the cave and the area was a lot of fun. It's not overly touristy, so it's worth a stop if you have the time.

From here, we went and had an awesome dinner at the Purple Pie Place in Custer before we took a drive through the picturesque Custer State Park.


Great photos! I'm hoping to make it to Wyoming now that I'm a resident of the PNW. These pictures just reaffirm that desire.

Wyoming is a very cool place for sure. Tons of different environments to explore. Hey, if you ever get the chance to go out to Montana, let me know. I'd be happy to show you around.


Custer State Park is a nice drive with a nice view, and that drive just so happens to be home to the Prairie Berry winery. We stopped there to sample the wines and collect some of their house made fruit spread. What a cool experience this was. So many great wines to try, and the staff there is awesome. From there, we hit the fantastically scenic Needles Highway, which snakes itself through some of the most picturesque rocky scenery in the Black Hills. The granite pillars seem to come out of nowhere, and the highway actually winds through them for a stretch. It's a fantastic drive.

Up at the top of the drive, we stopped to take some photos and climb the rocks. Being able to experience this kind of thing in such good company was awesome.

After this event, we headed back to Sundance. On the way, we encountered one hell of a storm. There was torrential rain, strong winds, and hail battering us the whole drive. It was hitting Sundance pretty hard too. But when we got to my friend's house, the Oztent had withstood everything. 65 mph gusts, and the tent stayed rock solid. I am now convinced about the awesome build quality of this tent.


The next day we hit up Devil's Tower. This was pretty convenient, since my friend only lives about 28 miles from there. It is a seriously impressive sight. A nearly vertical wall of rock rising from the hilly terrain. It's a complete tourist trap though, kind of like Old Faithful in Yellowstone. But it is cool to see. We went for a longer hike, doing a big loop around the tower. Luckily for us, this longer loop really deters most tourists, so we were pretty much alone the whole time. I found the red dirt canyon equally impressive. It is quite a sight.

The views of the Tower on this trail are pretty impressive.

After that we hung around the rest of the afternoon and eventually had dinner. Sadly, we had to leave my friend and head back to Billings. But it was a great trip and we have plans to go back soon. Unfortunately we got battered by a storm pretty badly on the way back, and even had to take a different route because the freeway had flooded. But we eventually made it home unscathed.


Also, this happened....

:D Got my snorkel installed and plumbed in. The install went mostly without a hitch, and I am really happy with how it turned out. I think it looks great and it does its job pretty well. I had to modify the factory airbox and use some silicone to seal the snorkel to the intake. Now that it's on there, I am very happy with it, especially for the price.

It doesn't block your view much at all either. All you really see is the head of the snorkel, but otherwise the A pillar hides the snorkel body perfectly.

Super happy :)



Thanks for sharing the awesome pics. And your truck is looking even more impressive. What's your secret to keeping the truck so clean?


Truck is looking awesome! Snork looks great on there.

Thanks EJ! And thanks for the info on this snorkel kit.

Thanks for sharing the awesome pics. And your truck is looking even more impressive. What's your secret to keeping the truck so clean?

Thanks for looking and commenting! I'm really happy with how the truck is shaping up. I have a few more things in the works soon.

Haha in this case, driving through a couple torrential downpours kept it clean. Otherwise, I just try to keep an eye on it. Wash it within a day or two after every wheeling trip, wax every so often. I also clean out the inside on a regular basis. I hate it being messy in there.

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