What do you use for a truck gun?


-[Gettin-it Done]-
Ok, here are my Truck-Guns, One-1 in each Truck, Loaded w/Double 00 Buck, and Slugs, it don't get any better, ask me how I know. >:cool:


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No such thing as a "truck gun" in my state of NY. Concealed carry only. If long gun is in truck, it better be unloaded, out of direct sight and/or locked. I got pulled over for a headlight out, while i was taking my Mossberg 12 Ga pump (18" barrel & pistol grip) to the gun shop to fix a broken action bar, back in 1986. I put the window down & my hands went right to the steering wheel---before he even got out. It was on the rear seat, safety on, ejection port up, action open, with a cable lock through it & locked. Brand new Deputy FREAKED OUT when he saw it. Almost shot himself trying to get his gun out while screaming at me "DON"T MOVE." I was scared he might shoot me. He was not calm AT ALL. I remained calm, told him I am NOT moving. Just taking gun in to be repaired & please stop pointing your gun at my head. It was a tense few moments to be sure. I do carry concealed & have a permit to do so. But I am finding it more and more difficult to do so. Some cities are trying/have tried to pass laws saying no concealed carry at all, even if you do have a legal permit to do so----but you can bet the criminals in that city still carry. I am not allowed to carry or defend myself in schools or their property, courthouses, New York State Parks. We have even had business's deny their employee's the ability to defend themselves. Dominos Pizza & Block Buster video were two. I stopped by both places by me. Asked if that was their policy, they said yes. I cut up my Block Buster video card right in front of them & never went back & told Dominoes i would never order from them again. I told them they can't deny someones 2nd Amendment for a minimum wage job---yet they do. They just recently added a 5-year re registration for us. If you forget, they come get your guns because they become illegal by default. And they (the state) WILL NOT notify you when you are coming due to re register. As of right now, there are 10,000+ people who have sent in their registration forms, yet are not registered as being legit & legal & logged in !!! The NYS Police said they are super backlogged !!! Luckily, we did ours 6 months before the cut off date & are good to go, re registered, logged in & legit. Crazy, right ?



Gentleman Adventurer
I carry a SCAR-16 and 870 tucked up on the roof. I'm never without my Glock 26. Sometimes I'll take my Judge loaded with .410 OOO buck , a devastating close range pistol.

Keep in mind that an NFA weapons must be pre-approved for travel outside your state. https://www.guntrustlawyer.com/2008/08/how-to-move-or-travel-with-an.html

That makes travel with SBR a and or a can a PIA. Better a AR pistol with good brace.

Most of my life have been traveling armed in semi permissive environments mostly in Land Cruisers and weapon carriage is much different than in a permissive environment. We would usually have Colt Commandos back then in South America and M4's in Iraq and AFG.

In a benign environment I think always have your sidearm with you and a long gun close by but out of sight as not to give away any advantage.

I carry a basic load for the SCAR and 60 rds for the Glock. The shotgun has 25 rd of buck and 10 of slug.

This EXPO trip ,I'll have traded my SCAR for a Marlin 45/70 Guide gun since we are going through Canada . In Great Falls MT we will ship out handguns to Alaska . Once in Alaska we will pick up our handguns and spend the next month or two exploring .

I also recommend having a CHL for your State of residence and get out of State CHL's for many other states. They can cover States not covered by your State issued CHL.
I have a A Texas CHL and out of state Florida and Arizona licences .I'm also lucky to have a magical nation wide CHL to include NYC, Wash DC, NJ California all other prohibited states.
Hope this helps .


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I have a A Texas CHL and out of state Florida and Arizona licences .I'm also lucky to have a magical nation wide CHL to include NYC, Wash DC, NJ California all other prohibited states.
Hope this helps .

My truck gun for going into unfriendly states or Canada is an inexpensive Turkish pump action 12 gauge. It's a simple reliable gun that is good to 100 meters depending on the target size.
I also have several CHL that will allow me to travel through most states but I have to ask what alphabet agency you work for that allows you to travel in NYC etc legally? I've only known one person who had that capability....?


Beach Bum
I am not much of a com-block guy, but I love this PAP and I tend to run it as my truck gun. I fear the day I ever have to use it because 762 out of a 10" barrel with a gnarly brake will likely make the ears bleed, but that will be the least of my worries should that day ever come. It packs away nicely with the VZ58 side folder and ammo is cheap.




Well-known member
I’m surprised that the Ruger Gunsite scout hasn’t been mentioned more. It fits the bill. .308 (7.62x51), bolt action, detachable magazine shortish barrel options (16 and 18”). I just traded a m1a for one due to moving to a states that isn’t towards friendly towards firearms. Great general purpose rifle.

Yup. I have one (18") and like it a lot. Just wish Ruger went with PMags M3's instead of a proprietary magazine ...

Anyhow, occasionally, it comes along for the ride, but more often I just have a 3" GP100 in .357. Far fewer headaches.


The best truck gun is the one you have with you in your truck. Whether its a Revolver, Pistol, shotgun or rifle the most important thing is that its actually with you! Handguns are good. Shotguns RULE close quarters battle PERIOD. Rifles (accurate rifles) are great to reach out and say STOP THAT! Nothing says F U though like a 12 gauge.


When I was working as a Peace Officer 30 plus years ago I met a US Marshall detail picking up someone I had arrested. He was a very BAD guy. Anyway one of the Marshall's had a 12 gauge almost identical to the one I picked up last month (see above pic). Back then his was considered a AOW or a SBS. Any Other Weapon / Short Barrel Shotgun. That required a Tax Stamp and a bunch of paper work and waiting. The one I have is a OW. Other Weapon. No Bullsht Tax stamp ect ect ect.... Over the counter legal. About time!


Expedition Leader
I am not much of a com-block guy, but I love this PAP and I tend to run it as my truck gun. I fear the day I ever have to use it because 762 out of a 10" barrel with a gnarly brake will likely make the ears bleed, but that will be the least of my worries should that day ever come. It packs away nicely with the VZ58 side folder and ammo is cheap.



Which shim do you have under that VZ stock?


Beach Bum
Which shim do you have under that VZ stock?

We made it. I don't recall the dimensions but I will put my calipers to it later today should you need that info. We tried not using a spacer altogether but when the stock was folded it rested against a rivet on the side of the receiver and it wouldn't fully collapse so we had to come up with a solution. There is a countersunk set-screw on the back plate as well to keep it from moving should the main screw/bolt ever come lose. We also changed the bolt used to a larger machined internal hex head.





Expedition Leader
Cool, sent you a PM. I've got the Bulgarian four piece muzzle device on mine to try to redirect some of the blast forward. As fun as they are it's definitely not a gun I'd want to shoot without earmuffs.

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