What do you use for a truck gun?


Active member

Lying about your property value isn't illegal, generally, it depends on what you lie about and why. It becomes illegal when your lie supports a fraud to obtain bank loans, inflated insurance contracts and to cheat on your taxes, but then, every adult knows that. If someone did that in the UAE they might hang'em.

Again, trucks are not in season in the US, it's against the law to shoot one so having a "truck gun" is as useless.
No income tax in the UAE so it's impossible to cheat on your UAE taxes. I still deal with the IRS, though. They tax worldwide.


Active member
@Ozarker and @bartheil , would you guys please let it go? You have completely derailed this thread.
Your luck: we got some rain in Dubai so I'll move on to another topic. 🌧️.


beef tits

Well-known member
I find the thought of a ‘truck gun’ far less practical and far more silly than a ‘truck fishing rod’… but for about two weeks out of the year I carry an ‘elk gun’ in my truck; Tikka 300 win mag.


Well-known member
I find the thought of a ‘truck gun’ far less practical and far more silly than a ‘truck fishing rod’… but for about two weeks out of the year I carry an ‘elk gun’ in my truck; Tikka 300 win mag.
What model is your Tikka? I have the T3x Hunter in 30-06. For the price, the accuracy is unbelievable. It is a great gun.
Gun - Tikka T3x Hunter 20230821 01 .jpg

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