Synthetic line choices


I'm in the market for a synthetic line for my warn m12000. The truck is going to weigh 9000-10000 lbs. So I will be using a snatch block for most everything. I would like to have a longer line to double up. So how long of a line could fit on my winch? Also, which line should I get. The Viking 3/8 is rated for 17500. That's enough right? Moving up to 7/16 ups the cost and I'm not sure I need it.


Viking has a solid reputation of answering their phones and telling you exactly what you ought to buy, with no BS.

I called them once to replace my aging X-Line, and they asked me a bunch of questions and told me "Don't bother, your line's still good". Cost them a sale.

Just call them.


Viking has a solid reputation of answering their phones and telling you exactly what you ought to buy, with no BS.

I called them once to replace my aging X-Line, and they asked me a bunch of questions and told me "Don't bother, your line's still good". Cost them a sale.

Just call them.

Good idea. I had a nice talk with them. His recommendation made sense. He said that 3/8 is perfectly good, but 7/16 offers a little bit extra protection. The 7/16 rope can be damaged, abused and still be functional. If I thought I was going to be winching a lot, I would go with a 7/16. For my intended purposes, the 3/8 will probably be just fine.


Good people, over there at Viking. On Par with Adventure Trailers with regards to customer service.

What did he say about how much line would fit on the 12000?


Good people, over there at Viking. On Par with Adventure Trailers with regards to customer service.

What did he say about how much line would fit on the 12000?

That was interesting. Other people probably know this, but I didn't realize the synthetic actually takes up a little bit more space unloaded. I made the opposite assumption. It makes sense. When the line is stretched out, the diameter is less. If it is spooled without a moderate load, it really poofs out and can actually be dangerous, as it will un-spool in an unpredictable way.

Long and short of it is that I got the 125' rope, because that is factory spec for the Warn.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Another nod towards Thor at Viking...good guy with a great product.


Yet another nod to Thor, he suggested 7/16 for mine.

Then I bought a 50' and 100' extension all in 7/16"


Expedition Leader
That's an interesting chart. I looked at the masterpull lines. The HD superline series does look impressive, but the price is insanely high.

It will last many, many times longer. I have used other non-wrapped syn lines and they abrade rather quickly. And you absolutely need to clean them especially after use (dirt, mud, sand, etc. will accelerate the wear factor).

With the MP Superline XD you eliminate the UV exposure issue and you eliminate having to clean the rope. IMO in the long run the MP is less expensive. That's what I installed this past spring after snapping my 3-year old OR syn line. The comparative difference in heft, etc. is pronounced. And I have no connection whatsoever to MP.

Lastly...get the shortest length you can.

Just my $.02 and maybe all its worth :coffeedrink:.
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Expedition Leader
How do you determine your "shortest length" until you've done your longest pull? Buying only 80' will pretty much guarantee you'll get stuck with your only anchor 90'+. I'd prefer to buy the longest length, and if it's a short, hard pull, just double back to the truck with a pulley.


Expedition Leader
How do you determine your "shortest length" until you've done your longest pull? Buying only 80' will pretty much guarantee you'll get stuck with your only anchor 90'+. I'd prefer to buy the longest length, and if it's a short, hard pull, just double back to the truck with a pulley.

For most if not all my pulls they are typically less than 50'. Less line = better use of the winch leverage; less cost on the main winch line, outer raps less likely to get trapped by the previous layer, etc. I'm not suggesting, for most, to only have 50' of winch line installed; however 75' to 100' would be ideal (at least for me). I also carry winch line extensions when/if longer length to anchor is needed.

Different means to the same end: Yes sir :).
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Lastly...get the shortest length you can.

Just my $.02 and maybe all its worth :coffeedrink:.

I agree! A short length on the winch is a good idea, as long as you have a few good extension lines. Most pulls are just a few metres, and having only, say, 20m on the winch has hardly any disadvantages, and many advantages. The economic advantage is that when you replace the oft-used winch line, it's only 20m.

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