Is Cook Partner the best? Money vs. Quality


Expedition Leader
While this has likely been covered at least a few times, I’ll ask again anyway. I have a trailer now and while my mini stove or backpacking stoves would likely suffice I would like a bigger more dedicated trailer stove and leave the mini’s to outings and non trailer camping activities. We know partner makes the best stove but it comes at a literal price. The old standby is Coleman most likely hands down. My question is should I spend the coin on the Partner or just get a Coleman and save the coin. I do plan on splurging and getting a fancy fiberglass tank (still not sure how to secure it to the trailer)
There is almost a $200 difference between the Coleman and the Partner which could obviously be spent elsewhere, just a thought.



If you dig around on the internet, you'll likely find the comparable options that I found. Not much help, I know - but there are heavy duty* camp stoves out there other than the Partner.

*meaning heavier duty than the ol' Coleman, etc stoves

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
You might consider Campchef stoves as well. More performance than Coleman, less money than Partner.

EDIT: Here is a link:

This has an aluminum case, two 25,000 BTU stainless burners, three sided windscreen, legs, and closes up like a suit case. Weighs 15 lbs, Costs from $1900 to $250 depending on where you buy it.
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Expedition Leader
Everything I see has the knobs on the outside where they can get knocked off.......... I did find a Brunton that was double the price of the Cook partner.



Expedition Leader
The Brunton units are almost identical to the CampChef in design, are they any good. I can't find winter 2007 of OJ for the stove review.



American Adventurist
The Partner is likely the last stove you'll ever buy and probably pass down to your next generation. It's elegantly simple in design and so well built I enjoy just looking at it, besides cooking on it. Good American craftsmanship.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
The Partner is a good stove. The only complaints that I have heard is the wide spacing on the grill bars, and the windscreen system is a bit flimsy.


Expedition Leader
All good things to consider, I wish I could find the OJ for Winter of 07 it sees to have escaped my collection.



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Partner Steel has solved the issue of the bars being spaced too wide apart.

Brunton makes a wonderful stove, our testing of it showed it to be very heavy on propane consumption.


Partner Steel has solved the issue of the bars being spaced too wide apart.

I haven't seen a new one and the photo of the 16"&18" on their website looks the same as before, what changes did they make? Have you tested the revision? Or maybe have a pic? Thanks


Expedition Leader
I've had a Coleman since high school, bought Camp Chef and finally a Partner. There is no comparison. I haven't used either since buying the Partner. Do yourself a favor and start off with the Partner. And yes Partner did fix the spacing around the burners.


American Adventurist
Say I wanted the CP, which size 16" or 18" and with or w/o windscreen?


I have the 18" w/ windscreen and the bracket seems as sturdy as anything else out there. The grate rods seem spaced far enough apart to hold my cooking gear. The stove stand is great although made for the larger fold-in-half variant; I placed a cutting board to make up the difference in front of the stove for a place to hold pots, etc.
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partner stoves are worth the money. They are durable and easy to clean. The windscreen on mine is a bit fiddly, but works well enough. I do not have grate spacing problems.

Again, worth the money.

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