Eco-Roamer - F650 based Expedition Vehicle


He could just call it a custom "camper" but then it would downplay that it runs on biodiesel, uses wind and solar power, and is made out of as much recyclable material as possible and is a drastic reduction in footprint than a house. And that would be selling it short...

Still doesn't really make it eco-friendly, you don't need solar or wind power...just need those things to run electric gadgets. All you need to do is to ditch the electronic gadgets.

We all have our own opinion which is a good thing, I dunno I am not seeing how a rig of that size (or any vehicle, no matter what powers it) being eco-friendly. Resources to build and fuel those vehicles have to come from somewhere, something has to be destroyed to create.


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
I run a Eco friendly company:

I'm the target for some criticism more often then I want... People always point the fingers at me when I pull up in front of a big box store instead of a local corner store...
Although I don't have to explain to anyone how I run my business and why I'm doing things a certain way. But I always ask one question back: If you think I shouldn't be shopping here, why do you think you can?

What I want to say is: Don't point fingers, if you are not better!


Photographer in the Wild
We all have our own opinion which is a good thing, I dunno I am not seeing how a rig of that size (or any vehicle, no matter what powers it) being eco-friendly. Resources to build and fuel those vehicles have to come from somewhere, something has to be destroyed to create.

WOW!!! Hey RR1, what do you drive? I would hate to assume that RR stands for Range Rover (13mpg on a down hill with the wind pushing). Every device a person uses has to be made from something, your right it takes destroying something to make something. if you wanna live like a cave man and migrate as they did go for it. Jay, IMO, simply created a better alternative to what many use by using alternative resources and extensive planning to leave as little damage as possible. When all is said and done, what he has contributed will far out weigh what he has taken. That being said, maybe ECO is not the perfect word but it is a heck of a lot shorter than "alternative resource global family expedition vehicle". Crap I really can not believe I am in an environmentalist debate about who is more environmentally friendly.


Hi RR, think of it this way... yea his big camper may not be as "friendly" in terms of fuel mileage and the initial resources used to build as my compact truck, but if you want to compare his overall "footprint" to my truck and my house (which is one in the same for him) he is a heck of a lot more eco friendly. To take it to the omelet analogy... yea, I am going to have to break some eggs, but rather than use half a dozen eggs, let's make an omelet that will only use one egg (and organic free range at that), but still make a full meal. He is not telling me or you we have to do it (which was not what you are saying), but he did make a conscious effort to have an expedition vehicle to travel the world that would minimize the impact of doing that activity and my hat is off to him for that.


Photographer in the Wild
I run a Eco friendly company:
What I want to say is: Don't point fingers, if you are not better!

The problem with this is the person doing to pointing is always going to "assume" they are better because they feel their idea is better. Thats why we have so many different groups or tribes as doug hackney called it. the few extremists on both sides cause problems for the many. I am a conservationist. I hunt/fish/cut firewood (harvest type not clear cut)/build with lumber. But I also plant trees (many more than I use)/ grow food/ eat what I kill/ and only kill what I need. I like many like me get our backs up because the extremists on both sides are ruining our way of life.
I commend Jay for doing this HIS way. He did a GREAT job and is being able to accomplish exactly what he wanted.


WOW!!! Hey RR1, what do you drive? .

Does it really matter what I drive? And no it isn't a Range Rover. RR stands for RoRy.

You guys can sure read into things. Never said that I was better than anyone else. No one is better or above anyone else, to the guy living in a cave in Utah to the super wealthy couple that has multiple homes and vehicles.

The eco crowd sure is a bit hostile. Why is that?

Sorry all I am saying is "Eco-Roamer" is a poor name choice, expect to be given a bit of flack over it. You can try to sell the idea all you want, some people aren't going to buy it.
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And now for something completely different...

I'm staying out of this one....

Anybody want to talk about something more interesting? Like maybe the environmentally friendly composting toilet:


:( Jay.


Anybody want to talk about something more interesting?


Jay, couple questions:

1) As someone mentioned earlier, how do you plan to transport over water? Or, because of the size of your vehicle, have you decided to keep it a N/S America vehicle?

2) Yeah, composting toilet ... do tell ... read through the original decisions but am curious how you're liking it and how it compares to a Porta-Potti ... oh, and along those lines, a bit embarrassed to ask: I know it separates liquids from solids but what happens if you have a liquidy-solid? Say, from bad fish tacos? :sombrero: Genuinely curious!! :Wow1:

Thanks Jay, love the eco concept, hope to see it in AZ in a couple weeks.

could you explain how the toilet works without a LOT of volume/space for composting?
How much time (days or weeks) does waste stay in the system before being removed?
Regarding shipping, the likely solution is the RoRo fleet of Wallenius Wilhelmsen Lines.


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

Can you elaborate a bit more about this company (Wallenius Wilhelmsen Lines)?

What are their routes? How do you get in touch with their agent?

Thank you.


Photographer in the Wild
I have to say I am intrigued by the composting toilet as well. As my wife and I are re-outfitting much of our camp gear, I did a search and the composting deal popped up. Like to hear how it works, empties, clean up etc.

RR1, like I said I hate to assume lol. Also have to say it is the first time I have been on this side of the debate though. All is good.


Still doesn't really make it eco-friendly, you don't need solar or wind power...just need those things to run electric gadgets. All you need to do is to ditch the electronic gadgets.
We all have our own opinion which is a good thing, I dunno I am not seeing how a rig of that size (or any vehicle, no matter what powers it) being eco-friendly. Resources to build and fuel those vehicles have to come from somewhere, something has to be destroyed to create.

I rarely express my opinon on this site from fear of being flamed but i find this intersting,sorry.
I think when people are using the term "eco" they are reffering to going about our daily lives in a more enviromentaly friendly manner.This is the perfect example IMO.The gadgets,toys and household appliances that we need or are used to,are being powered in a more enviromentaly friendly way.When some dood put down his granola bar an said "eco" for the first time he didnt meen for everyone to ditch electronics and go back to cave dwellings did he?


possible and is a drastic reduction in footprint than a house

If a house is built correctly, it could last 100's of years quite possibly a 1000 years.

So the "foot print" over the life time of the house compared to a vehicle is miniscule.

You'll be lucky if that camper will last 30 years. There will be some major overhauls during that period. My home is 50 years old this year, and has received very little over hauls and will most likely be around for a another 50 years.
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I rarely express my opinon on this site from fear of being flamed but i find this intersting,sorry.
I think when people are using the term "eco" they are reffering to going about our daily lives in a more enviromentaly friendly manner.This is the perfect example IMO.The gadgets,toys and household appliances that we need or are used to,are being powered in a more enviromentaly friendly way.When some dood put down his granola bar an said "eco" for the first time he didnt meen for everyone to ditch electronics and go back to cave dwellings did he?

I find your comment very funny since I am getting flamed because my opinion God Forbid is different. So "Eco" doesn't really mean kind to the Earth then? It is like Earth-destruction-lite then? :D
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RR1, like I said I hate to assume lol. Also have to say it is the first time I have been on this side of the debate though. All is good.

Yeah I am not going to tell you what I drive, I shouldn't have to justify my lifestyle and vehicle choices. Calling that behemoth a little bizarre to me. It is like calling a 40 horse power VW Transporter "Super-Sonic" But hey to each their own, right?:ylsmoke:

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