Project XXX


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
awesome job on the air compressor idea. What compressor are you running? (sorry if you already covered that)


On the LJ, I had the air tank mounted on the rear swing with ports on it and then a port on the front under the headlight




i run an ARB also for the lockers.
i used to have 2 compressors on my xj (ARB and Thompson) to speed things up...
that's what it looked like on the xj:

@ azlugz: good idea on the swing arm. a friend of mine carries a double tank on the roof...


and back to the JK...

nothing big, but i mentioned a while back that the rollbar is actually taking away a bit of space inside when you sleep in the truck like we do...
therefore i'm always looking for ways to make it at least useful like the little storage boxes
or fix a flashlight to it.

so, i also attached the fire extinguisher to it with heavy duty zip-ties:
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Expedition Leader
and back to the JK...

nothing big, but i mentioned a while back that the rollbar is actually taking away a bit of space inside when you sleep in the truck like we do...
therefore i'm always looking for ways to make it at least useful like the little storage boxes
or fix a flashlight to it.

so, i also attached the fire extinguisher to it with heavy duty zip-ties:
Oh Sven,
I would check out the strength of those ties.....I had a crash once at 55mph right into a guy turning from a turn lane. He never saw me. You would not believe the kind of stuff that rockets up front. I actually pried my cellphone out from between my dash and windshield. Had a metal first aid kit come past me...if someone had been in the other seat they would have been seriously hurt or worse. I would hate to get hit by an extinguisher moving at 55! My spare tire was in my back seat and I thought I had it tied down pretty well. The floor of my of XJ was buckled up nearly 6" under the back seat.
So check out those straps!:Wow1::coffeedrink:


i'm glad you're looking out for us ;-)
if you want REAL german friend, i'm afraid you'll have to look for other ones :)
we are only living here but are not citicens...


ok here's the status on my mods compared to the plan i originally had:

storage boxes in trunk area and in place of the rear seats - done
mattress - done
insect screens - done
additional power outlets - done
GPS - done
MP3 - done

4" Skyjacker lift - done
35" tires - done
wheels - done
ARB air lockers - done
ARB front bumper - done
ARB rock sliders - done
additional lights - done
winch - done
HiLift jack - done
Air Visors - done
door security system
fire extinguishers - done
extended breather hoses for differentials, transmission, transfercase-partly

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
hi dan,
sorry for the late response...
i'm just sitting in the office with the truck about 5 miles away so i searched the web and found that:
so i guess you got your answer already :) i guess i was too slow.

happy travels!
will we see more articles about your trip in the mag.?

Thanks very much Sven, I was really impatient that day as I had a Land Rover Discovery to run a tape measure over.
It looks like the JK Unlimited it a good 5 cm lower and narrower than a Land Rover or Land Cruiser and a solid 15cm shorter in the bed.
Will make things interesting if I choose to go that route...

I will write a follow-up article for Jeep Action Magazine for sure, probably when I arrive in Tierra Del Fuego.

I can wait to see where you head off to next in your JK.


i noticed the JK being narrower inside than the XJ, mainly due to the rollbar. that's why i try to hang as much stuff from it as on a x-mas tree :)))
just use it...
as to the length - i don't know about LRs but it is too short to sleep inside if you don't push the front seats all the way forward. this way i have actually more length than in the XJ. i'm 6'1" and can comfortably sleep in the JK, BUT if i want to stretch out completely, i have to put my feet on the center console. (i built my platform to be the same hight
the hole in the center is for the fridge) i'm happy with it.
besides the LR is way more expensive ;-)
from all my choices of solid front axle vehicles (there are 5) the JK was the least expensive with all the options i wanted...
defender, partol, land cruiser are quite a bit more here. i don't even talk about a G-wagon ;-)...
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I would check out the strength of those ties.....I had a crash once at 55mph right into a guy turning from a turn lane. He never saw me. You would not believe the kind of stuff that rockets up front. I actually pried my cellphone out from between my dash and windshield. Had a metal first aid kit come past me...if someone had been in the other seat they would have been seriously hurt or worse. I would hate to get hit by an extinguisher moving at 55! My spare tire was in my back seat and I thought I had it tied down pretty well. The floor of my of XJ was buckled up nearly 6" under the back seat.
So check out those straps!
well, i did as you told me :))))
i added 3 steel hose clambs... i suppose that should hold (besides it would be pushed against the rollbar in a front crash accident... - lets hope)
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Expedition Leader
well, i did as you told me :))))
i added 3 steel hose clambs... i suppose that should hold (besides it would be pushed against the rollbar in a front crash accident... - lets hope)
Well good. A wreck at highway speed generates a huge amount of energy. I was very surprised:smiley_drive:


A wreck at highway speed generates a huge amount of energy.
well, i knew that but for some reason didn't think of it in that respect...

and that's why i got that:

now having a little daughter and always carrying something in the trunk (stroller, etc.) i figured that needs to be installed!

it secures to the rollbar and the little metal lip under the hardtop...


here the attachment points left and right bottom:

and there are three velcro straps around the rollbar top as well as a strap that goes around the sides and is tightened at the dom light:

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