Search results

  1. harm

    Utah Canyonlands, Colorado, Mesa Verde and 3,500 miles later...

    Just got back home yesterday morning (4am) from our family trip to Utah/Colorado. We logged in close to 3,500 miles, and had a blast. We took off last Thursday right after work, jumped on I-5 N and headed thru the Gorge on our way to Boise, then stopped for a few hours of much needed sleep. The...
  2. harm

    Detroit Lake/ Rainbow Lake/ Elk Lake Oregon...

    So given that some plans we had for today were called off, it was a perfect opportunity for my wife and I to get out of town if only for the day. So we loaded up a few things and headed out this morning to Detroit Lake area. With the weather topping out at 81 degrees, it was a beatiful day out...
  3. harm

    FJ rack

    Looks good!