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  1. MCX

    Hodakaguy's 4x4 Sprinter Build

    The rack looks great!
  2. MCX

    Shower Thoughts.............?

    I've been eyeing the Road Shower (recently acquired by Yakima). 3 different sizes: 4, 7, or 10 gallons. Here's a link > Road Shower
  3. MCX

    How much do you cram into your roof?

    Usually just extra gas. I typically go out where there's no place to fill-up and the Xterra has a woefully small gas tank.
  4. MCX

    Best warm weather desert tent?

    Same thing, but I've been curious to try some of the dark tents to see if they truly help keep the heat down (I'm somewhat skeptical).
  5. MCX

    compact coffee maker for business trip

    Another vote for Starbucks Via Instants...super easy & they take up virtually no space.
  6. MCX

    Hunting Photos

    What a GREAT picture!
  7. MCX

    Grand Canyoneering

    Great pix! Thanks for sharing! I'm impressed with how nice the panoramic pictures are from 12 - 13 years ago, they look great!
  8. MCX

    Exploring the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bears Ears and more! (Oct 2018)

    LOVE the write-up and pictures...thanks for sharing!
  9. MCX

    Big Bend National Park

    Looks beautiful! I haven't been to Big Bend, but it's on my list to get to...I might try this spring, but depends on a few other trips I have planned.
  10. MCX

    Long road to nowhere.

    Here's another of Rachel, NV...
  11. MCX

    My Journey

    Ahhhhh...there's no place I love more than the entirety of Lincoln County, NV and especially the Pahranagat Valley. It's my "go to" place to get away from Las Vegas...only about 100 miles, but it feels like a million miles away. Thanks for sharing!
  12. MCX

    Sold....RoadShower 4s $150

    Where in east TX?
  13. MCX

    Back to Death Valley (Apr 2018)

    Great report and pictures!
  14. MCX

    Long road to nowhere.

    Southern Nevada...
  15. MCX

    Can the iPad really be used as an out-of-signal range, off-road GPS device?

    I love my iPad GPS setup. I'm frequently out of cell service and just use my iPad pre-loaded with offline maps on Gaia GPS. Here are some pictures of my setup - Tales from the Desert
  16. MCX

    ExploreDesert: El Paso Mountains & Mining District

    LOVE IT! Great pictures...thanks for sharing!
  17. MCX

    Our First Trip to Death Valley

    One of my favorite local playgrounds...great pictures and story, felt like I was there with y'all!
  18. MCX

    Overland Expo West Rigs and trip reports

    Love that truck from Adventure Trucks, but way too pricey for me :)
  19. MCX

    Hodakaguy's 4x4 Sprinter Build

    WOOHOO! Another Hodakaguy build! Subscribed to the thread...can't wait to see how you transform the Sprinter!