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  1. S

    DIY A/C window unit in rear van door

    Thank you That is the one I have heard about. I have never seen one but somebody told me a company used to install in rear door. Do you happen to have more pictures of A/C inside and out ? You could send them to me direct if easier I just purchased white material like...
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    She was laughing her butt off, calling her friends while I was in the dog house. She tried to take pictures with her phone too...
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    Thanks... The bumper prob. adds to the problem because of the L shape working like a air funnel directing air up onto rear panel. But impact safety was a concern also. The orange tube is a steel step bumper off ford explorer for cosmetic and low speed impacts. The angle iron it is bolted to is...
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    Alaska 2009

    Brad Great read, enjoyed it! I traveled all over the U.S. and Europe for years when I was younger and now live in FL. Family life and a few buss. ventures later, I'm getting that travel bug again but it's hard to cover enough ground over 2 wks. vacation, so I use it for hunting season. As you...
  5. S

    DIY A/C window unit in rear van door

    Air flow would cause A/C problem if run behind tire cover. How much does spare tire and rack weigh ? 50 lb. 5000btu with frame kit was 40 something lb. and isn't stressing mine yet.
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    Read my testing reply to CO2 in above post. Here we go with the what if somebody rear ends you statement. What if... If you research rear end collistions the insurance stats show most are low speed or minor damage. I have driven all types of vehicles several million miles in every state /...
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    Thank you! Yep, I had a toyota 4 runner that would suck fumes in the rear window if down when driving. Funny the first 3 people to reply, assume I didn't think of this myself. hmmm! O.K. let me go ahead and get this out of the way for those concerned. My family members call me Mr. UL...
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    Interesting! You assume I have not done any research based on.... ?
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    Hitch Lift Cargo Racks Front & Rear with Winch

    This is a pic of my van with cargo racks front and rear. The rear cargo rack is an elec. motor lift which offers 24" of travel and allows for diff. attachments. The dog box is removable so cargo rack can be used for other things as seen in pic. You can use diff. attachments like motorcycle...
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    DIY A/C window unit in rear van door

    . This seems to be an ongoing subject in many forums over the years but I have never seen an install like this or anyone selling kits to do so. I've seen side window projects you set up when camping or back window installs using plywood or plastic, etc. I was looking for something that...