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  1. M

    Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

    I think you could read all pages and not see a single serious thought, word or deed.
  2. M

    Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

    Hmmm. My super spidey senses detect some subtle user thread modification (i.e. not blaming mods, self-edited posts) - the cleansing of someone's diatribe for the benefit of posterity.... At least I was man enough to leave my humiliating apostrophe incident up for the world to scorn. MA (bnr)
  3. M

    Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

    ^^^ Oh my! You are correct. I retire, defeated, wondering what my own dear grand mothers would think of the mistake. And a common one at that as you so cruelly point out! :sombrero:
  4. M

    Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

    Honestly! You Americans and the destruction of our Queen's English. Are you advocating "what would their Grand Mamas's think?" It is a possessive plural noun, sir - it identifies a collective, a brace, a gaggle - a nag, if you will, of Grand Mothers and their thoughts on the matter, apropos...
  5. M

    Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

    **I type this with a disdainful and dismissive manner, opprobrium searing every keystroke in defence of your idealism and in opposition to the manner in which you have been so rudely mocked - my passionate typing inducing a rhythmic head bobbing resulting in emphatic waddle wobble whilst glaring...