Around the world in my Icon. Looking for ideas.

^^^ Oh my! You are correct. I retire, defeated, wondering what my own dear grand mothers would think of the mistake. And a common one at that as you so cruelly point out! :sombrero:


Walmart Adventure Camper
If we are throwing around *isms here, Master McZippie, the only one (well, main one) that springs to mind is "satirism". Much more fun than terrorism, which is a nasty, nasty business, and I can do it (satirism) hidden behind my keyboard. Ultimately though, satire seems woefully misunderstood within these hallowed halls of ExPo. I do say, this thread is becoming awfully fun, working out who is serious, who is sarcastic, but misidentifying my good self as being an advocate of the OP? Too subtle for y'all?

Well good lordy, its an alleged case of 'misconstrued' sarcastic satirism...
Let ICON's own video linked below, speak the TRUTH ...if after veiwing the video, you still don't agree, that I haven't justly made a case, that all ICON's should be painted with a pearl base and topped with a flat clear coat, then my Dear Sir Mostly Anonymous, all my hopes and dreams for a bright future for a universal Expo world are hopelessly lost!
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"It's hard to stay in character."

Let me get this straight...I took the "insulting wanker" route? That juvenile did nothing but cut and paste insulting bits and I called him out. Sorry if you two have similar accents and you got insulted, but I found it most irritating. He basically called me a troll and self-absorbed with nothing to back it up. Who is the wanker now?

I come on a website that was recommended as one that is filled with individuals like me, with the ability and money to go anywhere and do anything, no matter the cost... one or two jealous dolts feel the need to derail my thread because they don't have the means and don't get it. Well, that just sucks.


Just here...
"It's hard to stay in character."

Whoa, where did this quoted response come from? Did it get edited?

For the record, the "limey bastard" was not insulting. It was actually quite funny. I pointed it out merely as a sarcastic comment on the lack of character continuity that the OP was trying to present as genuine.

Im not jealous. Its cool that you want to go around the world and it is cool that you have an ICON (I personally dont see the point of the latter but thats my personal opinion). The way you began your search for answers had every indication of being a troll. Like I said, if you are serious and not trolling, Ill apologize but comments like buying cheap kidneys from other countries because they are cheaper and personal IT departments for pictures makes it hard to take someone serious.


This thread has serious potential for thread of the year. After reading through 10 pages in one siting, I forgot what this thread was even about. My favorite part is OP calling his employees "lower-downs". Thankfully I'm not employeed in Corporate America. If anyone refered to me as a "lower-down", they'd get a quick F-U!!! Money can't buy class, but it can buy you toys, and friends!


Whoa, where did this quoted response come from? Did it get edited?

I was just chatting with another friend the other day at lunch...(and get this) in person. Anyhow - I was explaining how long I've been hanging out on the Internet and it's kinda scary to admit that I've been online in some fashion or another for over 22 years.

Now, in that amount of time I've run across a lot of interesting characters. Some genuine, others not so much. What you really tend to learn over that amount of time is vernacular and speech patterns. Get someone excited say...give them the idea that they had just hooked the biggest and juciest gullible fish and well, they tend to loose just the slightest amount of composure. That's where you see the mask start to come off.
Hmmm. My super spidey senses detect some subtle user thread modification (i.e. not blaming mods, self-edited posts) - the cleansing of someone's diatribe for the benefit of posterity.... At least I was man enough to leave my humiliating apostrophe incident up for the world to scorn.

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Walmart Adventure Camper
I was just chatting with another friend the other day at lunch...(and get this) in person. Anyhow - I was explaining how long I've been hanging out on the Internet and it's kinda scary to admit that I've been online in some fashion or another for over 22 years.

Now, in that amount of time I've run across a lot of interesting characters. Some genuine, others not so much. What you really tend to learn over that amount of time is vernacular and speech patterns. Get someone excited say...give them the idea that they had just hooked the biggest and juciest gullible fish and well, they tend to loose just the slightest amount of composure. That's where you see the mask start to come off.

This thread has a glimmer of fun we had a long long time ago in the mostly forgotten world of unmoderated Usenet Newsgroups.


This is defiantly the place where anyone can come and gather information, in fact it has supplied me with tons of info and inspiration. However most people on here that I have encountered, especially the land cruiser group and humble guys and gals. I think your money is no option, hiring a driving coach mindset is a little annoying, you probably could have gotten the same info with a much more mellow post.

It's awesome that you have the means to have such an adventure and that funding is not a problem, I would like to be in the same spot one day- as I'm sure just about everyone on here would as well. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood because it will take me about 6 months to save for a front bumper. In fact I have a great idea! Bring your Fj to San Diego, I'll take you out to the desert and give you all the driving/repair/recovery lessons you want, you just supply the armor for my rig :)

x2 :)

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