Thanks for the suggestions! I've tried a couple and here's what I found.
- Photostich that comes with Canon cameras
- Photomerge which comes with Elements and can be run in Photoshop CS
- Autostitch
Hands down Autostitch is the easy of use and best results winner.
Photostitch complained...
Hmmm.....does anyone else work with a large amount of photos and notice some really slow operation of Lightroom? i'm importing old stuff and am up to 63,000 photos or so. When it starts up it takes about 5 minutes for it to be responsive and I notice all the image counts go from what they are...
Does anyone have a really good setup or workflow they'd like to share regarding digital panoramas? I'm starting to get into it more and up until now use the stitch thingy from Photoshop (found in ZElements, but can be used in regular CS). It works well enough.
But they I made the mistake of...
Something like this is a bit spendier, but ready out of the box
they have another model and I'm sure you can find them at RV stores.
None of the government agencies we talk about have full fundingto really study thier lands and COMPLETELY manage them in the best way. Look at the billions of dollars of backlog the national park service has as an example.
With that in mind, I'm more in favor of erroring on the side of too...
Yes, it's cheaper to get a used 300TDI from the UK, sometimes complete with all you need, than to get a 2.8L, that's for sure. It depends on what you want and how insane you are. Take that whichever way you wish. :)
But the wilderness act is all about "one" group pushing their agenda on others. that "one" is the government, saying you can't go driving or mining or whatever else in this area. It's democracy
That's simply not true. Take the Boulder River Wilderness in Washington state, for example. You start out walking on an old railroad grade that was turned into a road when the mining stopped. It was a road to harvest the timber decades ago. It was then turned into a wilderness and is mostly...
If you have your own site Wordpress will do it with plugin called Postie. If I didn't use some really cheap ass web hosting and my site wasn't so slow right now, I'd show you. As long as the photos are attachments it'll work.
Use your photo software to resize to a small 500x500 or so and...
Dave, or are you thinking of britrest? I know he did but he's on the other coast and he was doing the conversion and I think still is. He doesn't list the 2.8L but he has a container coming in with a 300TDI in it.
BTW, the discotech site has said this...
I've been looking and looking and I must be dumb (shhhh). Is there no "email this image at sizeXsize button? I can make slideshows, I can make web galleries, but I can't simply pick a photo, downsize it and email it? I must be missing that button some place.
EDIT: Spoke too soon. Found it...
Pictures of the inside can be found on their site
Hmmm....those lights look familiar....
In general, having dogs inside the truck is a good idea. Most people don't want to mess with dogs. unless they are fluffy little cute dogs. :removeredX:
No dog smilies, but I think that's a cat...
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