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  1. V

    How to make the "degrees" symbol

    option-shift-8 on a Mac to get °. option-k gives you this ˚. Daktari, what's the widget name?
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    Mac vs. PC for image editing

    Every Miles, Gonna have to disagree with you on the cost benefit analysis you provide. Having been in this field for a long time I have witnessed the useable lifespan of different machines. In my experience (and studies bear it out) Macs simply are useable for a longer period of time. Yes, they...
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    Mac vs. PC for image editing

    As an IT professional I would like to clear up a few pieces of misinformation in this thread. First, Adobe Photoshop is available for the Mac OS. I know that no one said it wasn't but the general thread was that it is a PC product. Second, I would not classify Numbers as the Mac version of Excel...
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    LED Headlights

    4xdog, Legitimate concern on the ice issues. I heard recently that cities are having problems with traffic lights with led's not being warm enough to melt the snow or ice off of them. Here's a news story about this issue. I can see it being a major issue where I live. If you have an ungaraged...
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    Oregon 550 vs 60csx

    Well, a little more follow-up and this gets kinda mysterious. A lot of gps user forums are indicating that the newer 60csx units use the MediaTek chip now instead of the SirfStar. The problem I'm having is that they are all relying on the software and/or firmware versions to determine this. I...
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    Oregon 550 vs 60csx

    The chip that gave the GPSMap 60csx it's edge in accuracy is the SirfStarIII chip. Garmin still shows the Sirf symbol at the bottom of their 60csx webpage. See here. The Oregon 550 does not have the Sirf symbol on it's webpage.
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    Importing .gpx files into Nat Geo Topo 4?

    Not sure why this is a problem. Topo 4 will automatically import .gpx files.
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    No Country for Cold Men

    Great story and pics guys. For an easterner these reports are awe inspiring. Glad that you showed a picture from Leadville, CO, since my only trip out west was through there a few times (I have family in Buena Vista, CO). Thanks again.
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    Mac GPS tracklog editor?

    For editing tracklogs I think you're going to need any app that can download the data as a gpx. Then use Mac GPSBabel to convert to comma delimited and clean it up in a text editor or Excel or OpenOffice and then use GPSBabel to convert it back into a gpx.
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    The Perfect Brew........!

    Well that's a odd way of saying some beers are ales and some are lagers. Ales are made with ale yeast which are top fermenting and work at warmer temps. Ales typically have a fruitier taste to them. Lagers are made with lager yeast which are bottom fermenting and work at much lower temps. The...
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    Mac Users: Open Office 3.0 Beta

    Michael, Note my other reply. If you have a PPC Mac use the other link. Some reviews online say that there is no PPC version but there is. I just tried it out. What there is not is a Universal binary for both Intel & PPC.
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    Mac Users: Open Office 3.0 Beta

    You have to use the following link to download 3.0 for Mac in order to choose the version for your processor. The previous link apparently only points to the link for Intel users. If you have a PPC Mac use this link:
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    The Perfect Brew........!

    As a homebrewer I have to start off by saying that no commercial beer (including microbrews) is as good as some of the stuff I've made and I'm a discrimating drinker. My favorite homebrews include (but are not limited to) Dortmunder Exports, Vienna-style lagers, Maibocks, Scotch Ales, Old Ales...
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    Mac Users: Open Office 3.0 Beta

    Cool, thanks. Hated using X11.
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    Partner stove ?

    Thanks Corey.
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    Partner stove ?

    I didn't see a link for the Partner stoves. Is the correct link? Thanks.
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    Honey: sweet but not so basic

    First time poster here. I too am a fan of honey and always thought that it also came from a certain bee orifice but I have found that I was wrong. Here is how honey is actually made (yes I copied this from the web but have seen this info in several places now): Honeybees use nectar to make...