We always seem to get our trucks reasonably level when we're out in the woods, but something about the level driveway we'd parked in made for an extremely easy night sleep. Or maybe we were just tired from our previous three days - gallivanting around the southeast parts of Idaho. :notsure...
Exploring Central Idaho (Crowdaho) in July
We always seem to get our trucks reasonably level when we're out in the woods, but something about the level driveway we'd parked in made for an extremely easy night sleep. Or maybe we were just tired from our previous three days - gallivanting around...
I have been upstream along the Clover-Three Creek Road, and know the USAF range there. Actually, got a great photo as we passed one of the "objects may fall from the sky" signs. Was in the first post of the this trip report actually... or at least, was there if you clicked the link to keep...
Yeah, that is a group spot; we were lucky to have it to ourselves that evening for sure!
And that bridge in Indian Hot Springs... well, it's not in such rough shape anymore... Check out this story:
The Long Road to Silver City, Wickahoney, & Indian Hot Springs – Owyhee Redux #4
Or, if you...
...We explored leisurely before heading back to the truck and continuing on our way through the maze of roads that wound up, around, and through the forest - in and out of trees, across wildflower filled meadows, and to several spectacular viewpoints. Even destinationless and meandering, it...
From City of Rocks to Craters of the Moon
July 3, 2019.
Hoping for a colorful sunrise framed by City of Rocks' formations, I was up early - right around 5:00am - greeted by clouds on the horizon and a showing that was at best, "meh." You can't win them all, and I was quickly back to bed for a...
...As we pulled up to our spot - campsite #4 - at Twin Sisters, a surprise! Tents were already setup in "our spot." And what's this? - someone else's name on the reserved sign. Uh oh. I checked the reservation. Yep - I had a confirmation email, my credit card had been charged. And then, I...
We Take Up Residence in Idaho's City of Rocks
There's nothing better than a night with temps in the high 40's a light breeze, and a river gurgling along below camp. Coupled with our position at the bottom of a valley, there was no reason to get up for sunrise, and it was nearly 8:00am before we...
...And with that, we reached the bottom of the canyon - strikingly beautiful in the evening light - the perfect place (except for the mosquitoes!) to camp for the night.
It'd taken us 7 hours, but we'd finally gotten across the bridge....
Keep reading the rest here
Double Dose of Indian Hot...
Double Dose of Indian Hot Springs
The day started out just like any other. Well, any other where the previous included a 12-hour drive from home to the starting point of our next adventure.
So let's back up for a moment... We'd arrived at Bruneau Canyon Overlook just after 10:00pm the day...
Colchuck, Cherries, and Chainsaws
Having wrapped up the dual battery install approximately 12 hours before departure time, we were off the next morning for a couple relaxed days of camping and hiking in one of our favorite areas of the Cascades, near Leavenworth, WA. Not only would this be the...
Oh yeah, I'm definitely glad to be over here where the road salt is minimal. And of course, I'm careful to always wash off after trips, rinsing out the inside of the frame as well!
Frame Rust! (and Slider Maintenance)
Every now and then, there's some un-sexy, mundane, stuff that we do to our trucks just to keep them in good working order. These don't usually get a lot of publicity since they do little to increase the cool factor, and don't have the high-profile pizzazz...
Bummer to hear about your experience there. I've actually had a reasonably good customer experience with them - I had a battery go bad and they sent me a replacement with just a few photos from me. Had it in 3 days. Glad it sounds like your Odyssey is doing well though, that's all that really...
MOAR Power, More Redundancy - Dual AGM Battery Install
June 18, 2019.
Well, this post is a long time in the making. In fact, I assumed this was a project I'd get taken care of in the dead of winter, since much of it would be done in the wood shop, and none of it required the truck to be outside...
Wheel Makeover - Extreme Labor for a Totally Non-Functional Mod
June 12, 2019. (and really, the preceding two weeks)
It's no secret that over the last few years, I've been through quite a few sets of wheels. I started with my stock 15" aluminum alloys, which "had to go" as part of the most...
17 Years for the First 60K Miles, 2 for the Next
May 27, 2019.
That sure didn't take long. It's been two years that we've been upping our adventure quotient, and the odometer is a stark reminder of what living in the northwest corner of the country can do. Still, it's a nice gig if you can get...
...It wasn't long - as is typical for us - before we stopped to take in the views. Running along a ridge, we'd already forked off of Corral Creek road - which was gated and locked - and were now following another road that might connect, if only there wasn't a locked gate somewhere along the...
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