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  1. articulate

    GoannaTracks 2010: Southeast Asia to Vladivostok

    Amazing story here. That well-deserved break is kind of funny; I thought these folks were on vacation. :) Thanks for posting the updates.
  2. articulate

    Oh, An Adventure We Had: Utah Backroads from Lockhart Basin and Beef Basin

    Thanks for the compliments, everybody. Utah deserves the most though. There's no place like it. Of course! That's the whole idea :) In this case, it was total luck. They were all just standing there for a long time already, my camera and tripod was already set up so I just shot it. 30...
  3. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    I think no matter how grande your rig is, you'll fill that puppy up. I certainly do, and to the point that it's comical - no matter if I'm solo or packing four people inside. That's partly why I like this compact Swiss concept so much, the maximizing of space. And a little sense of style. :)
  4. articulate

    Oh, An Adventure We Had: Utah Backroads from Lockhart Basin and Beef Basin

    Beef Basin, Utah by, on Flickr That next morning we scoured the F.A. Barnes book and map and elected to go find the granary ruins at Middle Park Spur. It was well grown over, and we passed it about three times until we ran into another traveler in a Tundra. I asked him if...
  5. articulate

    Oh, An Adventure We Had: Utah Backroads from Lockhart Basin and Beef Basin

    Beef Basin, Utah by, on Flickr You know how Mineral Bottom Road got washed out in August? I had a White Rim trip planned for the week after Labor Day, as 4 colleagues from Iowa and Illinois asked my dad and I to take them on a trip through southern Utah. Canyonlands called...
  6. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    Oh yeah, that's half the point. Maybe the whole point. Adventure travel in any vehicle you want. Make it fun, make it easy, make it epic. I think the swissRoomBox goes hand-in-hand with the "Sub-Compact Overlander" idea (thread:
  7. articulate

    Fall Pictures

    Wow, Trevor. Fall hits and you're like the Bob Ross of photography. Really dig that second photo. What are those silverish trees in the first one?
  8. articulate

    Kofa and Dripping Springs - At Night

    That certainly was it. I don't feel so bad about failing to fire off a frame as we passed each other. Scott's pictures do the job :) While the Sportsmobile really tops the list in my mind, seeing the Hawk on this PW was - how to put it? - inspiring.
  9. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    Oh, I don't know. I think it's been established many times over that just because one owns outdoor gear doesn't mean one uses said gear. :) Second, and I'm not sure if Hadley's post was a criticism of this product or the hatchback or something else, but rain is what it is. Regardless of the...
  10. articulate

    Father and Son Photographers - An Interview with ExPo's Photoman

    Agreed! The Wil and Wendy got a Fisher Price camera for our daughter on her birthday, which is just perfect for a disaster her size. It has this insane rubber thing around it that lets you drop it on the ground without breaking it. But the point isn't the camera but that she loves taking...
  11. articulate

    Considering a Nissan

    You know, that's a good point. I have a SE model (boo-hoo), no doubt the Pro-4x is geared better.
  12. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    Well, Lance, and we also need to find a way to keep those freaking no-see-ums out of our ears, a way to get mystical campfire smoke to float straight up, and a way to get more lovely women involved. That last one's the easiest.
  13. articulate

    Raising/Training kids for Overland Travel?

    Holy. Cow. That's a tight fit.
  14. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    Wurd. I love traveling with my wife and a little sense of style goes a long way. And the next thing you know, BANG, you're pregnant. Bringing up the Ecamper, I wonder if those are still around. Great point, sounds like a winning adventure combo.
  15. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    Probably a good thing to highlight is that the boxes could be organized on the fly to create a platform. Whereas those of us who built our own drawers and such had to decide at the outset, "leave room for a platform or not?"
  16. articulate

    Swiss Style Organization for Expeditiony Chic Overlanders . . .

    3cy3gKwirLk Frankly, this is really a nice idea. I just read about it at Watch the video, because that explains it all. I love how it's way beyond just some cool bins and Storm Cases. Not...
  17. articulate

    Considering a Nissan

    I've been really pleased with our Frontier; the highway manners, the durability, and driving it just feels good to me, which is a major part of owning a vehicle and being happy IMO. There are a few things I'm not crazy about, namely the back seat is not comfortable, the interior has several...
  18. articulate

    RAM Mount, ScanGuageII, Zamberlan boots, OJ's, lights, Aussie mags, etc.

    True dat. . . . . plus to reiterate the rules: And I'm trying to wrap my head around this one still: :)
  19. articulate

    Raising/Training kids for Overland Travel?

    Aaron hit the major ones, agreed. I believe earlier is better in part because of the diaper stage. Our trips became increasingly more difficult (not necessarily a nightmare, but just more to juggle) when our daughter was potty training. Diaperville was a much easier place to be. Photoman...