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  1. Expedition Essentials

    New/old trailer build 1966 Apache Raven tent trailer

    I actually need more tongue weight. Packing nose heavy is getting old. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Expedition Essentials

    trying to find some wolf pack aka south african ammo boxes

    Did you see these. Taller lids. Pretty cool. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Expedition Essentials

    Rear Drawer System for 2015 JKUR with Floor Mounted Sub.

    Its in the Lid for the factory Cubby and if it were me it would have to go!
  4. Expedition Essentials

    The never ending hobby build

    Cool little trailer: nice job making it your own!
  5. Expedition Essentials

    New/old trailer build 1966 Apache Raven tent trailer

    Adding a water tank to the tongue in the next couple weeks.
  6. Expedition Essentials

    New/old trailer build 1966 Apache Raven tent trailer

    Got the tent back on after Having the Pinch Welt re done and windows added to the sides, came out great. Much better ventilation. Planning on having the rear window re done and pockets added to the inside when winter comes back around.
  7. Expedition Essentials

    trying to find some wolf pack aka south african ammo boxes

    Try Mule expedition outfitters. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  8. Expedition Essentials

    My Overland Project, the RME JKU

    Great pics! Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  9. Expedition Essentials

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Nice job on that one. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  10. Expedition Essentials

    My Overland Project, the RME JKU

    Off to a great start. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    Totally could as long as you weren't in a big hurry. I'm out of town next week and camping Memorial Day weekend. So it would have to be done on the following weekend. I only have weekends for my hobbies due to my weekdays being full. Full time job and little one. Sent using a squirrel raised...
  12. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    Not everything. Would have loved a built in juicer. :) In AZ the fan would definitely have to be switch activated. Lived in phx for 6 years i know that heat all to well. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  13. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    The fan is an intake fan activated with a 100deg thermostat. The air exhaust through the gap in the cargo floor to jeep floor. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  14. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    Thanks Scott. Yes plenty of room for a second. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  15. Expedition Essentials

    jk roof rack build

    Love it. Great job. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  16. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    I didn't weigh it after I trimmed the aluminum. I did weigh the sheet when I picked it up from the supplier and it was around 30lbs. Should be around 25 now. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  17. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    All back together. Plenty of room for my roof box to open up now. Sent using a squirrel raised from birth by a flock of well trained carrier pigeons.
  18. Expedition Essentials

    JKU in floor OBA and cargo floor project

    Finally finished, turned out pretty good: definitely happy with it. Had a chance to go out on sunday; 10 minutes to air up, ill take it :)