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  1. luk4mud

    Two for one accident...

    Short of a serious injury, that kind of wreck is a nightmare. These rigs are worth alot more to us than the insurance guy thinks. Only thing worse would be if it were stolen and having to accept "book" value.
  2. luk4mud

    WTB: Awning

    Looking for an easy to deploy side awning of the ARB, Fiamma, Camping Labs variety. Prefer the large sizes. Let me know if you got one gathering dust in the garage. Thanks, Bruce
  3. luk4mud

    Awning Recommendations

    I have an 80. I like that Foxwing, but it wont work for my needs. I am often towing a trailer with bikes, and the awn would deploy in the hitch area. I need one on the side. The CVT one looks very interesting too. Close to $400 to my door makes me want to carefully look at other options...
  4. luk4mud

    Awning Recommendations

    I'm in the market for an awning ... I think. First, our intended uses: 1. We dirt bike ride as a family in the desert, a fair amount. These are often long day trips, not overnighters. Which means while resting/ eating, we either sit in the sun or I lug an easy awn or something else with us...
  5. luk4mud

    Rooftop Tent Alternative

    The 2 main reasons that i have never pursued a RTT: 1. Cost. I just cannot cost justify a 1k++ investment on it. 2. Wind. Much of our camping is in windy desert conditions, where I am using my rig/ coolers/ tubs/ whatever as wind breaks. I cant imagine forgoing all that to assume a higher...
  6. luk4mud

    Any Ex-Jeep Guys Miss Their Jeep?

    On a really nice, not too hot, not too cold day, cruising around town kinda deal, yes I miss it occasionally. We typically run long haul trips so getting to and from the trail, as well as on the trail, no I dont miss it so much. I can also take my WHOLE family with me in the 80, which is what...
  7. luk4mud

    Toyota releases extra tough Land Cruiser GX for Australia

    That's the head scratcher about the Oz market. 18m people down there and they dont ALL offroad ... do they? Thats not a very big market really but all the good stuff ends up there.
  8. luk4mud

    I'm finished with my 80 Series Build!!!

    Rig looks great. I love that these things are like lego kits you can make them into whatever you want.
  9. luk4mud

    Frankencruiser on SoCal CL

    Not rising to the troll bait .......
  10. luk4mud

    1997 Lexus LX450 (Toyota Land Cruiser)

    That a beaut, I cannot believe it is still available at that price.
  11. luk4mud

    Frankencruiser on SoCal CL

    No affilaition, thank God.
  12. luk4mud

    Best current option for LC80 integrated rear aux. fuel tank?

    I was out at MAF a few months ago and mentioned that the idea of a bigger tank interested me but the hangdown issue and the price were the big turnoffs. The sales guys then tells me that they have some used ones in the rafters, which were factory options in Oz. MAF had them sitting in the...
  13. luk4mud

    Pintle vs Lock&Roll vs Max Coupler

    Good info, thanks guys. I don't find the pintle to be all that noisy, at least when loaded. It doesn't sound like for my uses that the maxcoupler would be that big of an improvement. I guess I'll have to just practice backing up more.
  14. luk4mud

    Pintle vs Lock&Roll vs Max Coupler

    I have a M416 trailer with a pintle system. I have been reasonably happy with the pintle. I don't take my trailer on really extreme stuff, but it has been in many tight places, off camber trails, and over its share of large rocks. Overall, it performs really well. I love the security of the...
  15. luk4mud

    LOCK N ROLL Hitch

    Dave, I am not ll that familiar with that system. How does it compare to the basic military pintle? Is it more flexible but more vulnerable as well? I have a M416 with pintle that I take everywhere with no issues like this. I am familiar with the trail to DollHouse, nothing all that extreme...
  16. luk4mud

    Rud #2533 4x4 Chains $80 NIB

    1 pair
  17. luk4mud

    SOLD OME Shocks N73 and N74E $125 OBO + shipping Price drop to $125. Any one need some good extended travel shocks?