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  1. P

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    PSCANLON I have axels w/jackpot in center, is that what you need? im on east coast though. by the time you shipped it out to NV its prob cheaper to get one local.
  2. P

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    Doc, if you want to get rid of that pedal mush, put braded stainless steel brake lines on all three locations. they don't expand under load.pedal will be much more responsive.glad you had a good run.been driving my waggy for 12yrs every day. its been down less than my wife's 06comander which we...
  3. P

    Jeep Cherokee Espedition Vechicle

    what makes a diesel swap illegal?
  4. P

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    if your still having trouble with air in the lines, remember that when you change the master cyl. air is in the top of the lines at the master connections. this has to be pushed all the way through the system to get the air out. I usually use this as a good flush, and change of fluid at the same...
  5. P

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    I ve had fun watching your build on both jeep and camper! hats off to u man. you are definitely headed in the rite direction with the axel swap. once you get the brakes working a cheap upgrade that really helped my wagys brakes is to swap in 1987 chevy2500series calipers. they will fit right in...