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  1. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    This project has had a fair amount of second guessing, back tracking and re-thinking. And right now I'm re-thinking a few things. First, I'd recently been thinking I'd simply swap my old '87's doors onto the '73 since it already had the power locks, power windows and the glass I want to use...
  2. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Little more progress today and the last couple evenings. The floor has been stripped down with a wire brush, ready for the Corroseal, then the patch panels, then the Lizard Skin. I finally decided to do the patch panels with Smart Small Panel Adhesive. Apparently this stuff cures as hard as...
  3. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Yeah, I considered a body swap, but two big factors that ultimately swayed me were timing and available shop space. Doing it this way let me keep using the '87 for trips last year while simultaneously getting work done on the '73. Doing a body swap would have meant that at some point both would...
  4. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    All of the above probably. I believe this is one of the most, if not THE most common area to rust on these trucks. This one is front DS, the front PS is pretty much the same. :-/ The spare tire pocket is also rusted through. I’m gonna look into making a straigh-across panel to replace the tub...
  5. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Wrenchfest 2018 - The Wrenchening continued. Was too pooped to post anything the last couple days so I'm gonna take some time this morning to do so. Tuesday we started by wrapping up the rear axle install. I have 1 extra leaf in the new spring pack, so I had to pick up a new bolt to use with...
  6. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Glad to be making progress again. The lack of progress was starting to weigh on me. I'm pretty confident you'll be pleased with your family truck's second life! :D
  7. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    My tank is centered in the frame just behind the rear axle, and yes, that's the fill cap in the last pic. I would imagine that area would have a ton of metal since it is supporting the barn doors and is the last roof support on the truck... Cool idea for using the spare tire area though!
  8. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Wrenchfest 2018 - The Wrenchening continued! Goals today were very aggressive: pull both axles, put the '73's axles under the '87 and pull the engine and trans from the '87 to sell on Craigslist. We got 2/3 done, plus a little extra. We started out taking some of the accessories - batteries...
  9. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    I'm back at it! Dad's in town for 5 days of wrenching. Started by doing some yard work. There's been a growing number of cast off parts tossed into the storage area behind the workshop. Time had come to clear it out and make space for temporary storage of the parts coming off Boom Boom...
  10. camp4x4

    Let me show you how little I know....

    That could be fun... I'll tell you where the best place to learn is: on the air. Hop on the local repeaters and ask if anyone is listening: "K7RPT, are any stations monitoring, K7RPT, are any stations monitoring?" You may get a response like, "K7RPT, W6TDR.." Then just start talking... Or...
  11. camp4x4

    Let me show you how little I know....

    Looks like you have a number of high-elevation repeaters around you, including some that have IRLP and/or Echolink nodes attached to them. Have you tried listening to or, not that you have your call, talking on any of them? If not, check out I'm a big fan of their site...
  12. camp4x4

    APRS Integration With Gaia GPS App

    It's such an unfortunate situation that iOS doesn't support serial bluetooth connections. For us iOS users the only option is the headphone jack, but I'm sure for some that's kind of a deal killer. If GaiaGPS were to actually incorporate APRS through APRSDroid I'd seriously consider swapping...
  13. camp4x4

    Let me show you how little I know....

    Hey! That's awesome man. :wings: Bummer about timing with the gov shutdown. I read they may stay open for at least a week. Who knows if that'll include processing ham licenses though. You know how to check the FCC site for your license...
  14. camp4x4

    Wireless charging for phones

    Here's the unit js632 seems to be talking about, though I can't tell if all the juice pack cases would work with it or just the "charge force" ones... : And this seems to be the adapter for G-Ball to Ram 1" ball...
  15. camp4x4

    Kinda Cool HMMWV Hummer Camper Convo, in Colorado

    And for those who can't stand all-caps and no line break typing: Hello, I'll keep this short as the pictures speak volume. First off, this unit is currently in colorado springs. Serious inquiries only. No texts, calls only. This unit sold for 25k on ebay last month only to have the buyer leave...
  16. camp4x4

    Let me show you how little I know....

    Yep, that's a common method for getting your Tech license. That's how I did it. Basically you read the questions and correct answers over and over til they're stuck in your head... then just take the test and it's simple memorization at that point. The idea is you learn on the air at that...
  17. camp4x4

    Standalone APRS mobile system using a Maxtrac mobile radio

    I'm trying to find where I saw the main developer talking about what it would take. He mentioned 2 places that would need to be modified, and that the geo files would have to be modified with the specific api key... can't seem to find it now... Bingo! It was talking about Mapbox maps instead of...
  18. camp4x4

    The Camp 4x4 Bus - 1973 Suburban 8.1 Swap & Build

    Not intentionally. LOL. But yeah, the last few months haven't really given me time to work on it. I also hit a bit of a mental road block with the floor holes. I'm REALLY not feeling up to that task after looking at what it'll take a bit closer. But... I've recently picked up on this again...
  19. camp4x4

    Standalone APRS mobile system using a Maxtrac mobile radio

    Yes, but my way is a little hacky. They haven't written in a way to use API keys for the MANY services that structure their URLs the same way. Why... I guess other priorities, but this seems like it would dramatically improve their mapping since there's a number of services that that use this...