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  1. LocoCoyote

    What are your top 3 tools to bring for a recovery situation?

    Shovel good jack good rope or chain
  2. LocoCoyote

    New Defender Rage/Hate Thread about we actually get them in hand and do some real world testing before we pass judgment?
  3. LocoCoyote

    Bug out challenge

    You are right...I have never been caught unprepared. Been in the ******** often enough though. Prepare for a natural disaster? Certainly. Prepare for a emp bomb...ridiculous. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. LocoCoyote

    Bug out challenge

    Ah yes, gotta keep the fear alive
  5. LocoCoyote

    Extreme use Earthroamer

    Buy one and use it as you like.
  6. LocoCoyote

    Small chimney start for charcoal

    I have been using the McBrikett Foldable Folding Fireplace Chimney Starter Stainless Steel for years with excellent results.
  7. LocoCoyote

    Used over lander

    Try Explorer Magazine’s used section
  8. LocoCoyote

    Help with a mystery dash light

    Have you checked the glow plug controller? If it is connected ok, you may need to replace it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. LocoCoyote

    modern diesel for overlanding in developing countries - post your solutions

    In theory, if your ECU will support all those items missing...also there may be legal ramifications to bypassing emissions control systems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. LocoCoyote

    Help with a mystery dash light

    That is your glow plug light...the one that’s supposed to be off before starting the vehicle. :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. LocoCoyote

    Military color scheme

    Trying to cross international boarders with a vehicle that looks military is just asking for trouble. Even having military surplus equipment can be problematic at times.
  12. LocoCoyote

    Is my Jeep too heavy?

    :) love that!
  13. LocoCoyote

    2020 Defender Spy Shots....

    I suppose they can call it what they want...but in my book this is no defender...
  14. LocoCoyote

    Pretty cool rig

    That is an abomination
  15. LocoCoyote

    The Official Bacon Thread. (Got your attention?)

    Sounds awesome. But I am willing to bet they are an exception to the rule... how much of their bacon does an average person consume as opposed to the “regular” unhealthy kind... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. LocoCoyote

    Your 2 loves....

    So a Unimog and a G wagon?
  17. LocoCoyote


    Sounds like you had a great trip. Love the Sedona area. Thanks for sharing
  18. LocoCoyote

    The Official Bacon Thread. (Got your attention?)

    I hear you and don’t entirely disagree. However, it’s worth it to see who funds/sponsors those counter stories...often it’s the corporation or industry that has a vested interest in selling you the items that are slowly killing you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. LocoCoyote

    The Official Bacon Thread. (Got your attention?)

    I guess I get to be “that guy” today.... You do know that the World Health Organization tells us “processed meats” are now classified as a group 1 carcinogen, meaning scientists were certain that there was “sufficient” evidence that they caused cancer, particularly colon cancer. Bacon is, of...