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  1. K

    Adventure Driven, aftermarket sneak peak!

    What's the possibility of a diff drop kit like the 3rd gen 4runners use? I can't remember how it mounts on a Monty but the 4Runner is stupid simple and you gain a lot of safety margin on the CV angle. I lost zero ground clearance when I did it on mine.
  2. K

    Adventure Driven, aftermarket sneak peak!

    Any idea on making the skids for a gen 3 out of aluminum? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. K

    Adventure Driven, aftermarket sneak peak!

    Boost? SC or Turbo? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. K

    Gen 3 cats/downpipes Weight wise it felt about the same as OEM. I had to dig way deep to figure out that the only difference between NM and NP exhaust was the EGR. Now...
  5. K

    Gen 3 cats/downpipes

    New sensors are on the way. I tried sensors in the old cats and it was good for a month. New after cat sensors are on the way. I didn't want to put the old ones in and swap them and timing to wait for the sensors didn't work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. K

    Gen 3 cats/downpipes

    Bosal for a 01-02 fit my 06. About 90% the quality fit and finish of OEM. And much cheaper and built a lot better than any other aftermarket ones I've seen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. K

    I Finally got my Gen 3...Now have some questions

    The Aussie spec pajeros have a 3 position antenna switch. Up, half and retracted. I wish I could find one of those. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. K

    Monteros on craigslist

    That one has been on a while. The original pics showed how bad the right front was wrecked. It's like a mile from me too. I've never seen it driving around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. K

    Gen 3 evap system fumes smell

    Nothing yet. Smell was exceptionally strong today. It is intermittent. I plan to check the stuff out when I have time to pull the covers off in the right rear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. K

    How important is rear fan control - Gen 3

    They are just right of the transmission under the truck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. K

    How important is rear fan control - Gen 3

    Rust? Mine look good on both the 03 and 06. The plastic tee exploded on the 06 though and dumped all the coolant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. K

    How important is rear fan control - Gen 3

    Having one that has it and seeing all the lines that run to the back right of the car I would not recommend trying to add it. I'm sure it could be done but not easily. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. K

    Can't locate a NM body style in a 300 mile radius at the pick-a-parts

    Can you snap a pic of the hitch? I have been looking for an OEM and don't quite know what it looks like. I don't want one that hangs down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. K

    Gen 3 evap system fumes smell

    tested the Purge valve and it checked ok as far as I can tell. Just the smell. no evidence of fuel spilling does not seem relevant to tank level, the smell is under the rear passenger side and migrates into the cabin from the rear. it is not continuous and i cant figure out any...
  15. K

    Gen 3 evap system fumes smell

    Interesting. P0455 popped up yesterday too. I will look at that oring and test the purge valve this evening if I have a chance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. K

    Gen 3 evap system fumes smell

    My 2006 has a very strong fuel odor from the right rear. Nowhere else. Is from under the back not around the fuel filler. Looking at the manual and parts breakdown the evap charcoal canister is back there and has a fresh air valve to vent it. The tank has never been pressurized when I fill it...
  17. K

    General question.... Gen 2 or Gen 3?

    I owned a gen 2.5. I now have two gen 3's. The looks and "toughness" of the gen 2.5 wins out as well as off road but the gen 3 is extremely capable to yet more comfortable. Try Both and see which one you like better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. K

    Anyone have a rebuilt Gen 3 HBB (Brake Booster)?

    I'm thinking hydraulic brake booster? Just buy a 03+ as I'm pretty sure they fixed the issues by then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. K

    Gen 3 cats/downpipes

    So more looking; are the Catalytic converters downpipes the same between the NM and NP? Bolt up not function. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. K

    Exhaust Problems!

    That works too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk