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  1. J


    WOW...I guess you can go ahead and put that host camper on a Tacoma and let er rip in
  2. J


    So we have Canada that codifies the law and you pay a fine... Anything in the US..
  3. J


    I have never seen a state or federal codified law in reference to passenger vehicles (which non commercial trucks are) that addresses any legal penalty for exceeding the payload of a vehicle. I understand the numbers, I understand why they are there, and I understand that there are safety...
  4. J


    The payload rating has as much to do with the Govt regulations in the location the vehicle is sold, as it does actual capability. The Jeep Gladiator also has a higher payload in Australia than it does in the US, same truck, off same assembly line...
  5. J


    GVWR's have as much to do with govt regulations as they do with actual capabilities of the truck. For example..I believe a Jeep Gladiator in the US has a different payload than the same Jeep Gladiator sold in Australia, what's the difference....different govt regulations concerning truck...
  6. J

    Which new 1 Ton Diesel would you buy?

    Towing/ Hauling....HD truck stuff
  7. J

    Which new 1 Ton Diesel would you buy?

    Newest iteration of Diesel engines and transmissions offered by the big 3
  8. J

    Which new 1 Ton Diesel would you buy?

    As the title says, which new or newish 1 ton diesel (dually or otherwise) would you buy and why. Who is making the best diesel dually these days and who is making the best combo of drive train, and truck to go with it?
  9. J

    Which HD Truck?

    You pretty much nailed the usage, no crazy off roading, (I have a tacoma. and jeep that I can tow behind for that) mainly forest service/semi maintained get you away from the campground into dispersed camping kinda roads. I never really gave the GM 3/4 ton and 1 Ton trucks a look, but I have...
  10. J

    Which HD Truck?

    I understand the sentiment, and I also buy new, every vehicle I own now with the exception of one of my motorcycles was bought new, Heck I even buy new tractors and lawn equipment. For this particular use and purpose I have in mind, I think I am going to go preowned and use some of the...
  11. J

    Which HD Truck?

    Yes, the market is skewed and it is not the time to buy. I don't plan to buy until the used market rights itself, unless I can find a decent deal. I have found several trucks in the price range I am looking at that would work for my uses. I definitely would not buy a new vehicle right now...
  12. J

    Which HD Truck?

    Every vehicle that is less than 10 years old, has a skewed value right now, once it rights itself it will go back to the way it was. If you do a search for Ram 3500 with the 6.4 on auto trader right now most of them that are 3 years old are listed for 25-30K which the deprecation is still...
  13. J

    Which HD Truck?

    I believe it also has the highest payload of the 3 as well.
  14. J

    Which HD Truck?

    So your saying you would only buy new? I have seen how much HD gas trucks depreciate, which is one of the reasons I asked the question, I have a pretty good idea based on experience owning new 3/4 tons which one I would buy, I was curios if the choice changes with some miles and a few years on...
  15. J

    Which HD Truck?

    Under 30K truck camper and RV towing
  16. J

    Which HD Truck?

    If you had to buy a used gas powered HD truck (F250/350 Ram 2500/3500, Chevy/GMS 2500/3500) which would it be, and which engine/powertrain combo?
  17. J

    New Bronco

    I can't believe that people would pay that much of a mark least wait until the first list of recalls hit before you overpay!!!
  18. J

    Seeking input -- upcoming vehicle purchase

    Plug your criteria into Auto Trader for domestic full size and see what you come up with, I plugged it in and found 1 F150 that met your criteria. If you go midsize at that range and mileage I would skip Toyota and look at Nissan etc