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  1. FlipperFla

    Anyone use a genny along with solar?

    I opted for a Yamaha Gen/Inverter doing my research the yamaha had twice the life expetancy over the Honda
  2. FlipperFla

    Lead Acid 50% DOD Limit; Rule or Myth

    A battery is discharged at 10.5V running it any lower will drastically reduce life
  3. FlipperFla

    Need advice, upgrading current solar system...

    Look on the back of the panels or spec sheet and see what the amp rating is add them together for total amp output your controller will have to be equal to or higher than the total
  4. FlipperFla

    Solar panel set up wire size required

    Do a google search “wire size chart” it will tell you what gauge wire for length of run and current. Blue Seas website also has the chart
  5. FlipperFla


    Its pretty simple Solar panel to controller......controller to batteries Fuse the panel and controller with a fuse 10% greater than amp output specified on back of the panel
  6. FlipperFla

    Budget start solar suggestion

    One of the best been using them on installs for years and never had one fail
  7. FlipperFla

    Can i use both positive terminals on a pair of parallel batteries ?

    if the batteries are paralleled with 2/0 it will not matter if they are side by side
  8. FlipperFla

    Realistic Expectations of Solar/Fridge Setup

    If you use a start battery in a deep cycle application you are going to damage the battery, Start batteries are not designed for deep cycle use. Look on the back of the solar panel it will tell you the Amp output it is probably around 7-8 Amps I would advise installing a deep cycle house battery...
  9. FlipperFla

    Will reducing wire size after a long run drop my voltage?

    Do a google search “wire gauge chart” this will tell you what size wire to run with factors of length of run and current (amps) I usually go up one gauge for a bullet proof factor you can find the chart on Blue Seas web site
  10. FlipperFla

    Generator for powering heat/AC?

    I tested the AC on the inverter, you could actually watch my volt meter drop like a rock. Run time with both AGM 31s...... probably 15- 20 minutes! The 100w panel gives me a charge of around 6A which is really not a lot, The 100W panel offsets my discharge when the van is sitting at the boat...
  11. FlipperFla

    Adding an Isolator and inverter to van

    First make sure your inverter is a pure sine wave or you are going to have issues with the freezer compressors running hot. 2nd look on the freezers UL plate and see what the ampere draw is and add all the electric appliances together to get a total amp load. At a full load you are going to be...
  12. FlipperFla

    Must have mods for beach time?

    You hit about everything. Beach driving is becoming very limited because a lot of the large hotels and condos are pushing for private access. The main thing would be a sunshade with sand anchors, the kind that screw in the sand, you can get them at Walmart, a shower system for the sand and...
  13. FlipperFla

    Looking for Chevy Astro swivel seat base might have them
  14. FlipperFla

    Camper Van Meet and Greets in S.E.

    Went to the Nationals 2 years ago when it was in Lakeland Fl. had a great time. I think it was in July or August and super hot! Some nice rigs to.
  15. FlipperFla

    Camper Van Meet and Greets in S.E.

    Taos N.M.? Any idea of the date?
  16. FlipperFla


  17. FlipperFla

    Two fridges... how to run(temps) maybe overkill?

    I put a micro cooling fan in the back of my fridge facing back behind the cooling plate this was a MAJOR improvement keeping a uniform temp through out the fridge. It has a very low air flow, you can hardly feel it if you put your finger in front of it , but enough to keep the air circulated. I...
  18. FlipperFla

    Steiner Commander Binocs

    Steiner are top of the line. New Commanders go for around $1100 new
  19. FlipperFla

    9MM Pistol for bear protection?

    10,000: 1 kill shot with a charging bear with a 9mm. Feel lucky? Bear spray is your best option