I pulled the thread titled FCC bans Baofeng from and artical that I read in a Google news feed. Finding it very misleading and basically false. Sorry for the bad info.
Yeah, I know what you mean, my buddy has a 42’ Hateras Sportfish. You better have a gas mask when he fires it up, sitting at the dock! LOL I like to go up on the tower, what a ride a view.
Im just stating the facts, I was threre, you werent. Apparenty your lack of knowledge of boating is a contributing factor in this discussion. First, bimini style anchoring is when you drop two anchors in opposite directions NOT allowing it to swing into a headwind. On a Cruiser style boat, the...
Maybe you should check the boat design of a cruiser with a transom door and what bimini style anchoring is and what can happen with a wind direction change before you run your mouth and call someone ignorant, look it up it happened at Ponce Inlet. ******************
I try to keep it at least 50’ away from my van. I also have a carbon monixide/ smoke detector. If there is a security issue with the gen I chain it to a tree facing it behind (cutting down the noise factor) and the exhaust away from the van and always taking into consideration of my neighbors...
I know what you mean I had it mounted on my bench at home but I couldnt take it to different work sites so I mounted it on a 2x10 and use 2 large C clamps attach it in different locations or have a coworker stand on it. I even attach it to a trailer bunk pad if one is around the boat yard.
You are correct, they use them for sailboat rigging, it makes one heck of a crimp for terminals up to 3/0. I used to work at a West Marine and we had one on our sailboat rigging bench. The customers had to do their own sailboat rigging because of the liability factor if they would lose a mast or...
I was a Mgr at one of the West Marine stores in Orlando for 10 years. The old managment was terrible as were their pricing. It was hard to sell a quart of wax for $40 when you could buy it down the street for $20. LOL! I would always tell my customers when I was showing them a product “ now...
Check out this bad boy, Im retired now but I used to wire the big offshore fishing boats 30-40 footers with trips or quad engines. They would bring the boats right from the factory,while the mechanics would be mounting the engines I would be installing all the elecrtonics, usually 2-3 18”...
Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood are all great radios, its like Chevy or Ford. Yes you will need a license. A good to take practice exams is Eham.net the practice exams grade you and tell you the correct answers you got wrong. Every time you reset it gives you a different set of questions. Its pretty simple...
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