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  1. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    With the upcoming UA and the threats of deep mud I've been hearing about, I decided to rework my original gettofabulous extended intake to make it a little more water tight. Also added some mud protection to the fenders and engine compartment. I have no use for a snorkel, but did want to get...
  2. 01tundra


    Diff drop, lower your rig down a little if possible, and consider installing some Porsche 930 boots -
  3. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots

    Harlan, KY (April Fools Weekend - 2009) - Grayrock Off Road Park, Gardendale, AL - First snow at the new house (2008) - First flood at new house (2009) -
  4. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots

    Broken R&P somewhere in ND - Tracy City, TN (Memorial Day weekend 2009) -
  5. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots

    Windrock, TN - Wooley's Off Road Park, TN - Cowan, TN - Rubicon Trail, CA -
  6. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots

    I usually keep my rig's build thread updated with the latest adventures we go on. I just updated it with pictures from the Memorial Day weekend trip -
  7. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    We were in Tracy City, TN - which is basically Monteagle. Few more random pics -
  8. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    Had a great trail ride over the weekend in Tracy City at the Damn Locals Memorial Day Bash. Playing in the sand pit - Getting denied on a choppy climb - Running the Bunny Trail -
  9. 01tundra

    1st Generation Toyota 4Runner's.....

    My dream rig.......they're just hard to find (in decent shape) in this area......
  10. 01tundra

    What Cameras Do You Own?

    Olympus Stylus Tough 6000 - just bought it last week to replace my old Casio 5MP Exilim, that's decided to drain batteries after about 10 pictures are taken..........
  11. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    Finally got my rock lights installed, end up going with LiteSPOT's from Off Road Only. Each light has 18 LED's and they only pull 0.1 amps per light. Pictures really don't do them justice since my camera wasn't wanting to cooperate with taking pictures in the dark without the flash on. I was...
  12. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    Nope, the engine is perfect. I'm actually very easy on my rig and with the 4-speed Atlas, power's the least of my worries.
  13. 01tundra


    Driving through somewhere in Montana last summer..........
  14. 01tundra

    Random Snow Rig Pics

    Unfortunately.......that's a rare event around these parts.......
  15. 01tundra

    Is there a thread for old Homestead type photos?

    That picture of the old cabin is way cool!
  16. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots not for me, I just get carried away with the camera sometimes....especially when my better half is driving and I start getting bored :).......
  17. 01tundra

    Wildlife Photography

    Squirrel in Gatlinburg, TN - Black bear & her cubs in Gatlinburg, TN - Buffalo in Black Hills, SD -
  18. 01tundra

    Random RIG Shots

    Buck Lake - Rubicon Trail. Almost looks photochopped! Rubicon bridge - The gang on the Rubicon - Hal Jon trail in Deadwood, SD - Ranch somewhere in North Dakota - Somewhere in Wyoming - Enchanted Highway, ND - Vail Pass, CO - Driving through the free-range in Montana -...